This is a very easy rain stopping spell that you can do when you know that there will be rain.
You may need:
You may need:
Stare at the dark sky and hear small storms sounding, then start chanting with closed eyes: "God and Goddess of rain, stop the storms. Stop the wind. Stop the rain. I don't need any rain today! I don't need rain to distract me today. Rain stop and go away!". Repeat three or four times.
If you used my mortal vampire spell and it worked and you burn in the sun this spell will hopefully stop you.
You may need:
Item of jewlery
You may need:
Item of jewlery
This spell is too protect from sun when mortal vampire.
You'll be protected from burning in the sun.
What will you need- item of jewellery sunlight concentration.
Let the light shine on the ring and say:
"God of death god of sun in my sate where I burn in the sun let this item protect me shield me from your rays as long as I wear this ......(say your type off jewlery here) No more shall I burn in the sun so mote it be."
Basically if you get to hot you do the spell and you will cool off and if you start feeling hot again its normal thats just your body reacting.
You may need:
You may need:
Close your eyes and focus inwards on breathing at a calm and steady rate. Start counting down from 96 (this number is important, as it is the bodies normal temperature). Keep breathing inbetween each number. Once you get down to the temperature you want, repeat that number and focus on it.
Draw the upside-down star\. Make a fire in the middle. Put the candles at the points of the star and say, "Greek God, Hades, let them know what pains they have caused me". Write down all the names of your enemies and throw it into the fire. Say, "Hades, as I send them to you let them know they are done for". When the fire goes out, say, "Hades, they are coming now. Make them scream very loud".
Make sure you are not thinking anything as you need complete concentration for this spell.
2.Concentrate energy
Pick a spot in front of you or on your palm and imagine energy streaming from you into that spot. Visualize the energy as being red or put the intent of heat into it. Visualize it concentrating and glowing brighter and brighter.
3.Fire or heat
If you succeeded you should have either heated up the spot or caused fire. Congratulations. If not, keep trying.
Opening a portal to hell.
using this spell are needing a lot of consentration and fire!
You may need:
2 black candles
2 red candles
fire (lighter)
upside down pentagram made of oil
Black and red robe
bowl with oil
You may need:
2 black candles
2 red candles
fire (lighter)
upside down pentagram made of oil
Black and red robe
bowl with oil
put all of the candles on table then fire them.
then take the oil, and draw with the oil a upside down pentagram, around the table (but not to close!!)
put the bowl with oil on the table,
fire the pentagram, and the oil who is inside the bowl.
Put the blood and the bones inside of the bowl with burning oil, then say: from fire of earth, to fire at hell, make( place you are)a living hell!!! Dracul, diablo,(then scream) TEPEZ!!!
if it doesnt work it could be because the blood isnt fresh enough.
but it worked for me!
Stand facing the direction you wanna blow wind. Bring your hands back so they are lined up with your chest. Build up as much energy as you canabout a mile or 2 behind you(depending on how powerful you want it to be). Then thrust your arms forward and blow out of your mouth really hard. While doing this blast the energy, with wind, towards you from behind. Now get ready for alot of wind!