Search Results for "powerful love spells that work"
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Search Results for powerful love spells that work
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Larger breasts spell - Free Magic Spell
...A spell to give the caster large breasts. Will also work on men. Chant. With this pressure in my chest fill it out with orbs of flesh make them soft and round with the shape of a mound so mote it be. spell to give the caster large breasts. Will also...
...A spell to give the caster large breasts. Will also work on men. Chant. With this pressure in my chest fill it out with orbs of flesh make them soft and round with the shape of a mound so mote it be. spell to give the caster large breasts. Will also...
Binding spell - Free Magic Spell
...This spell is a Black magic spell if your definition of Black magic is any magic which involves Controlling ones Free will and useing your will to over power others. If your definition of Black magic is any magic which calls upon Deities which are from not judeu-christian-islamic tradition such as...
...This spell is a Black magic spell if your definition of Black magic is any magic which involves Controlling ones Free will and useing your will to over power others. If your definition of Black magic is any magic which calls upon Deities which are from not judeu-christian-islamic tradition such as...
'seal making spell' - Free Magic Spell
...Usable for hoodoo paper to easy seal ya work. Rub your hands over the object with your work While saying Rewaso, Resillo. And your work should become sealed. Credits came from myself. I made this spell myself. Have a Nice Day/evening. for hoodoo paper to easy seal ya work. --> Casting...
...Usable for hoodoo paper to easy seal ya work. Rub your hands over the object with your work While saying Rewaso, Resillo. And your work should become sealed. Credits came from myself. I made this spell myself. Have a Nice Day/evening. for hoodoo paper to easy seal ya work. --> Casting...
love curse - Free Magic Spell
...this spell allows you to bind and attach a person close to you and you are the ruler and controller of their love life. you must open the jar fill it with tap water half way and get someone to get the raw honey and put some on your eye lids...
...this spell allows you to bind and attach a person close to you and you are the ruler and controller of their love life. you must open the jar fill it with tap water half way and get someone to get the raw honey and put some on your eye lids...
werewolf hair spell - Free Magic Spell
...this spell can be porformed after a werewolf spell please read Werewolf pack spell before doing this at the very end of the spell is says the last line for your new and original pack it says i will resemble this wolf do not say that insteadsay Janus hear my plea...
...this spell can be porformed after a werewolf spell please read Werewolf pack spell before doing this at the very end of the spell is says the last line for your new and original pack it says i will resemble this wolf do not say that insteadsay Janus hear my plea...
Revenge Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Revenge Death to Your Enemies A spell to take revenge and maybe kill kill your enemy. read more Even more great spells..... Bad luck hex Cat Curse Spell Induce Anger and Hate Karmic.......
...Revenge Death to Your Enemies A spell to take revenge and maybe kill kill your enemy. read more Even more great spells..... Bad luck hex Cat Curse Spell Induce Anger and Hate Karmic.......
Summon Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Guardian Angel Spell Spell to summon your guardian angel for your protection. read read more Even more great spells..... A Incubus or Succubus Invite. A Simple Summoning Attracting Birds.......
...Guardian Angel Spell Spell to summon your guardian angel for your protection. read read more Even more great spells..... A Incubus or Succubus Invite. A Simple Summoning Attracting Birds.......
Voodoo Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Death by Voodoo Doll This spell is for the purpose of killing somebody somebody using a poppet, please be responsible and use it only if really necessary. read more Even more great.......
...Death by Voodoo Doll This spell is for the purpose of killing somebody somebody using a poppet, please be responsible and use it only if really necessary. read more Even more great.......
Body Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Become a fox This allows you to become a fox! But please, this this is permanent. You may lose some memories of being a human. Please think before you cast this spell! read more Even more.......
...Become a fox This allows you to become a fox! But please, this this is permanent. You may lose some memories of being a human. Please think before you cast this spell! read more Even more.......
Attractive Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Happy Marriage Spell Having a little trouble with your spouse? Hoping for a a happier marriage? Wanting a magickal way to bless this officially united romance? If you want a happy.......
...Happy Marriage Spell Having a little trouble with your spouse? Hoping for a a happier marriage? Wanting a magickal way to bless this officially united romance? If you want a happy.......
Undo My Last Spell - Free Magic Spell
... Can undo the last spell you casted if it didn't turn out correctly. Chant as many times as the direness of the spell you want to undo: We were trying something new When we messed up and magic flew A darkened sky Awakens thee Here's to hoping our mistakes will never...
... Can undo the last spell you casted if it didn't turn out correctly. Chant as many times as the direness of the spell you want to undo: We were trying something new When we messed up and magic flew A darkened sky Awakens thee Here's to hoping our mistakes will never...
Friendship Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Violet & Daffodil love Bundles Instructions on making love bundles. read more Even Even more great spells..... Element PPF Forgiveness Friends for Others Friendship Help a.......
...Violet & Daffodil love Bundles Instructions on making love bundles. read more Even Even more great spells..... Element PPF Forgiveness Friends for Others Friendship Help a.......
Enchantment Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Dream Catcher Spell By enchanting a dream catcher, this spell gives insight into into your future while you are {dreaming;} within three days. read more Even more great spells............
...Dream Catcher Spell By enchanting a dream catcher, this spell gives insight into into your future while you are {dreaming;} within three days. read more Even more great spells............
Attractive Spells - Free Magic Spells
... This spell should enchant an item to protect you. For example: If you wanted protection in your house then you would enchant the front door. If you wanted protection when you're doing something you might enchant your clothes. Touch the item you want to enchant with your power hand(the hand you...
... This spell should enchant an item to protect you. For example: If you wanted protection in your house then you would enchant the front door. If you wanted protection when you're doing something you might enchant your clothes. Touch the item you want to enchant with your power hand(the hand you...
Good Luck Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Good Luck Good luck spell. read more Even more great spells..... 5 Ultimate Ultimate spells Attract money Better Fortune Tea Calm Cleansing.......
...Good Luck Good luck spell. read more Even more great spells..... 5 Ultimate Ultimate spells Attract money Better Fortune Tea Calm Cleansing.......