voronicalee's Profile

Member Info
Name: voronicalee
Birthday: Oct 6 2001
Location: In the life if u would consider me alive. im pretty cold on the inside but not my heart...
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Wed, 15 Mar 2017
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
name:"Beth-Ann" rank:official witch Background:i have a ancester who was killed in the salem witch trials because she really was a witch. I have been practicing the craft for many years and I'm currently looking for the right coven. I can see, and hear ghost and have helped many in my lifetime so far. I plan to help many more Rest In Peace. Don't try to mess with me. I do not seek revenge on people but I will guarantee that the people that do mess with me will get what's coming to them. I'm currently in a relationship and will not put up with perverts trying to hook up with me. If anyone tries that with me then they get blocked, simple as that. I can't stand posers. It's a matter of whether you are or not. There's normally no in between and if there is it's usually not very good. I HATE DRAMA. If there's drama going on please don't drag me into it. If you do then your going to get your own little piece of my mind.