goldensphere's Profile

Member Info
Name: goldensphere
Location: Nederland
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Tue, 01 Nov 2016
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
I'm golden sphere,
I'm here to learn and practice Wicca.
my dream is to become a successful Wicca practitioner!
I make my own spells, I learned from a book that if you make your own spells that they may work more powerfull for yourself. if someone has questions about spell making you may guess me, but I'll NOT cast spells on people, so don't ask me for doing this plz. my favorite colour is golden red (that why I would be called golden sphere on this site). I like cooking and playing my favorite music. I dislike people who don't understand me and who don't care to build an understanding to me. I care about maybe too many things;p, and I don't care what people say about me. I'm who I'm!