Lyza_Sage's Profile

Member Info
Name: Lyza_Sage
Location: Columbus
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Fri, 11 Dec 2020
Membership: Member

Website: view

Personal Bio

Divination / Wicca practitioner since 2014

Follow me on instagram: @lyza_sage_craft

About Me

My name is Lyza, but you can also call me Sage. My favorite things include, music, tea, learning new things, pretty nails, and cute animals. I work 50 hours a week, and when I'm not working, I'm either practicing my craft or sleeping.

I am an elite hairstylist of 3 years, currently working in an award-winning salon & spa. I'm also currently learning nails so I can expand my horizons in that direction as well.

I have five pets!

Pablo: Dwarf (Djungarian) Hamster, Male, Grey & White. 07/26/19

Captain Marvel Bear:Blazed VeriberkStandard CoatDumbo Rat, Female, Chocolate & White. 11/30/19

Mal: Essex Standard Coat Dumbo RatFemale, Mink. 11/30/19

Lucky "Chicken": True Hairless Dumbo Rat, Female. 12/26/19

Elowyn: Double Irish Velveteen Dumbo Rat, Female, Black w/ White. 2/1/2020

Vinca: Albino Standard Coat Dumbo Rat, Female, White. 3/16/2020

About My Practice

I am currently doing an in-depth study into tarot, its history and the meanings and imagery behind each card.If you are interested in learning more about tarot feel free to ask me questions. I'm currently writing papers about my research and as I finish them, they will be uploaded to my Etsy. I'd love to answer your questions, or have a chat about tarot in general. However, keep in mind, I don't do readings for free.

I'm also working on candle magickand basic spell-casting in a solitary practice. Send me tips, tricks and suggestions!

My Offerings

I offer tarot readings, here is a link to my Etsy:

I will/can NOT :

-Read your tarot for free

-Date you