The Living Dead?????

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The Living Dead?????
Post # 1
Well I had a dream and well it was about obama (I watched his speech) and he said dead or the living dead. So what is the living dead??
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Re: The Living Dead?????
Post # 2
It was a dream, don't take it too literally. The living dead is a reference to things that have died, but move and talk and such. These include Zombies and Vampires. They don't exist.
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Re: The Living Dead?????
Post # 3
ok thanks because my frend said i would die in 5 mothses tanks
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Re: The Living Dead?????
Post # 4
What does he know? be real for a second, you said I would day in a day, I'm still here. Don't believe everything you're told just because it involves magick.
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Re: The Living Dead?????
Post # 5
Living Dead is just like them movie Resident Evil. The people turned into zombies and eat your flesh.
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Re: The Living Dead?????
Post # 6
Zombies as WE know them don't exist, but zombies do exist, Look into Voodoo, they use the puffer fish toxin to disable their enemies and turn them into mindless slaves or "zombies"
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Re: The Living Dead?????
Post # 7
the "living dead" as it is so badly termed involves a lot of different things... and i would like some people to think carefully when they say "dont worry they dont exist" because even if you dont believe in them... doesnt mean they dont believe in you ;D
if you saw obama in a dream saying funny things... maybe you should try clearing your mind before you go to bed at night... this will help seperate the rubbish from the important stuff... our minds sometimes cant process everything we do during the day properly... it splices bits of info, thoughts even pictures together... thats where wierd dreams come from... those cannot be interpreted becaus they dont mean anything. dream oracles/ dream interpretation was invented many many years ago when the human mind had a lot less rubbish and stress and thoughts to process... these where times when people lived off the earth and strived to live in peace... no technology no horror films no rubbish... things were simple... and the mind functioned properly
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Re: The Living Dead?????
Post # 8
He was giving his exeptince speech and all
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Re: The Living Dead?????
Post # 9
no comment... obviously the point was misunderstood.
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Re: The Living Dead?????
Post # 10
Not rally I got it this was not rubish I thank he will become a living dead not shure
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