I need to know if there is a substitut for Mugwort in spells, charms, chants, hex's, vex's, curses, or dispells? If any one has any iformation that will help, please contact me at ruber_ducky9009@yahoo.com or www.myspace.com/pyroducky as I don't get on here often at all. Any help would be greatly apriciated.
Mugwort; Common Artemisia; Felon Herb; St. John's Herb; chrysanthemum weed; sailor's tobacco; moxa; Ai Ye; armoise last resort swaps are... wormwood and absinthe if you can get it. what is it wor? im assuming a dream spell of sorts?
No, it's not a dream spell exactly. I need it to either brew a tea or burn as a strong insense. I need it to go into a deep meditation so i can focus my pshycic abilities and find which kind of kinesis I should persue. The best way I have found to do these to things in to go into meditation and visit my ansestor spirits. I've meditated before, but I've always been interupted before any discoveries are made. But thanks, I will rite those down and try to find somthing.
Be VERY careful ingesting mugwort or wormwood. Both are psychotropics, and the outcome can be something you don't want (best to start using a TEENSIE bit in a tea, and build up). They can also be poisonous in strong doses.
I would suggest using as an incense as opposed to using it as a tea, especially if you've never used it before and don't have anyone experienced with it around.
WARNING: Mugwort can cause menstruation as well as abortion in women. Do NOT ingest while pregnant, or if you think you can be pregnant.
Ok. I will be careful. And, I think before I try this, I may look for a different way to contact the spirits. Thanks so much for all your help.
And what are the effects of each of the St. Joans plants?
St. John's Plant/Herb is another name for Mugwort.
St. John's WORT is an herb often used to treat depression (do NOT take internally if on birth control, as it renders the Pill inactive). It is magically (in incense, potions, spell bags, teas) for protection, fertility, courage, healing and power. It is also good to burn as an incense for divination, or drink as a tea for that purpose as well (and it is safer than Mugwort or Wormwood).
Re: Magic Ingredients, help? By: kts Moderator / Adept
Post # 9 Dec 16, 2008
To make a mediation tea use rosemary, chamomile, passionflower, lemon balm, and peppermint. If you don't have one of these just use what you have. A pinch of eyebright will help you also to open your third eye.
As for incense use sandalwood, patchouli, or cedar wood.
"To make a mediation tea use rosemary, chamomile, passionflower, lemon balm, and peppermint. If you don't have one of these just use what you have. A pinch of eyebright will help you also to open your third eye.
As for incense use sandalwood, patchouli, or cedar wood."
An incense with sandalwood, patchouli or cedar would be more a cleansing incense than for meditation.
And be careful with Chamomile! Some people can have SEVERE allergic (ie. dying) reactions to it. While it is uncommon, I know of at least one person who died from a chamomile allergy.
Here is a good directory of herbs to use in various forms: