Angel Meditation

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Angel Meditation
Post # 1
Angels: Companions in Magick
By: Silver Ravenwolf
Angel Meditation
Find a relaxing room in your house, or if the weather is nice, go outside and sit by a tree or on your patio. Pick a time where all is quiet around you. Take three deep breaths, relaxing your body with each breath. Find your center and continue to relax. Imagine your body connecting firmly to the earth, you are one with the universe. Take another deep breath and imagine an angel in front of you. This angel will touch the top of your head, sending healing, relaxing energy flowing down through you. Feel the energy moving through your body, pushing out any negativity that's stuck and refuses to move. You can envision this as black yucky stuff pouring from the bottom of your feet and soaking into the ground where it is transmuted into positive energy. If you wish, you can now tell various parts of your body to relax. For example, down through the top of your head, relaxing the muscles around the eyes, nose, and mouth. Down through the neck, shoulders, upper arms, and lower arms. Down through the chest, back, into the stomache muscles, through the hips, etc....
Now envision a second angel before you. This angel brings purity and alignment to your body. Follow the same procedures as before, watching and feeling the energy move from the top of your head down through your body and out the bottom of your feet. This angel pulls universal love. Many people experience a tingling or floating sensation at this point. This is normal
The third angel is responsible for helping to align your chakra centers (seven vortexes in your body). We will be opening an eight chakra called the thymus chakra. It is linked to angelic matters and cosmic consciousness. As the angel touches you, each vortex will unfurl like a pair of wings and vibrate its appropriate color. First open the crown (located at the top of your head) and envision a pair of white wings unfurling and opening, then open each chakra with the colored wings listed below:
Second chakra: middle of forehead- purple
third chakra: throat- blue
fourth chakra: between throat and heart- pink or aquamarine
fifth chakra: heart- green
sixth chakra: navel area- yellow
seventh chakra: stomache- orange
eight chakra: groin- red
Envision a final angel coming toward you. As this angel touches you, a bubble of pure white light will surround your body. Relax and let yourself drift into the sensations of feeling safe and secure.
Close the chakra centers, beginning at the groin and working your way up to the crown. Take three deep breaths, ground and center again. Then open your eyes
It is common to feel as if you have been asleep, as you drift into alpha state of brainwave activity, and with lots of practice, theta state. Spiritual enlightenment most often happens in the theta state where brainwaves are very slow. Its close to the sleep state delta. Keep track of your meditation progress in an angel journal. After a while you may begin to hear voices in your head during this inital meditative process. If the voices are soft and positive in nature, you maybe experiencing your first message from the angels

Re: Angel Meditation
Post # 2

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