Coming soon

CovenBaron La Croix ► Coming soon
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Coming soon
By: / Beginner
Post # 1
The priestess tank and myself have figured we need to make sure everyone is learning what they need to know. So its *EXAM TIME*! Dont worry not all of us are thirlled but we do need to make sure everyone knows there stuff. Were going to be doing it differnt though.

Instead of doing the exams in the forums ill personaly be sending the exams in a message to everyone in the forum. This way everyone can work at there own pace.

Any questions/concerns/comments?

Priest Burrows

Re: Coming soon
Post # 2
That's great idea. Will I get one :)?

Re: Coming soon
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
Well the council members already had there test of faith. So were not sure but I'm leaning towards yes. And to prove my enjoyment of the council members ill even give tank a test. But if i give her a test she might kill me.

Re: Coming soon
Post # 4
lmfao!!!! she prolly would barron, no offence but that would be kinda funny man, but i bet tanky would pass it anyways and if u give her one she shuold give you one

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