Invocation of moon goddes

CovenDaughters Of The Moon ► Invocation of moon goddes
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Invocation of moon goddes
Post # 1
Diana, queen of night,
In all your beauty bright,
Shine on us here,
And with your silver beam
Unlock the gate of dream;
Rise bright and clear.
On earth and sky and sea,
Your magic mystery
Its spell shall cast,
Wherever leaf may grow,
Wherever tide may flow,
Till all be past.
O secret queen of power,
At this enchanted hour
We ask your boon.
May fortune's favor fall
Upon true witches all,
O Lady Moon!
Doreen Valiente

Witcraft For Tomorrow pp. 189-190

Re: Invocation of moon goddes
Post # 2
That was touching =)

Re: Invocation of moon go
Post # 3
Yeap it definitely is.

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