privacy shipping?

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privacy shipping?
Post # 1
has anyone ordered from the store had the package be obvious as far as it saying SPELLS and what-not on the outside? I want to order an amulet, and some oils, but I don't want it to be obvious for security reasons. (religious reasons...not accepted where i live.) Thanks! Blessed be.
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Re: privacy shipping?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
It's shipped from SOM.

If you are outside of the USA there may be a label on the package required by law, but if you are getting an amulet and oils and it will say 'amulet' and 'oils'.

There is nothing on the package that will say magic or occult, or spells or anything like that.
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Re: privacy shipping?
Post # 3
I've order and I'm in the USA, it's very inconspicuous, and no one would ever know. It had be questioning it at first till I saw SOM typed neatly at the address part. so if you are in the US you are good.
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Re: privacy shipping?
Post # 4
Thanks everyone! I can order my materials...I love doing spells and meditations...just hard to when everyone watching your every move! I'm gonna order my stuff, yay. blessed be. :)
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