Coven Study Groups/Rules

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Coven Study Groups/Rules
Post # 1
Classroom Study Group Rules:

Our Classroom Study Groups are held in the chat room, And will be Posted the Date and Time in the Coven. We do ask that everyone arrive at least 10 minutes before it begins so we can take roll call. If you do arrive late please enter the Study Group quietly, As we are not trying to be rude or disrespectful but during the Study Groups it is a learning class and we would appreciate not having the disruptions during Classes. If you arrive late just do your best to follow along, Please dont talk while the Study Group is in session as it causes a disruption in the Classroom. At the End of the Study Group there will be a questions period for anyone who needs help or has spcific questions, So if you have question please wait til then. Unless you get call on then of course you may answer. At anytime if you are attending the Study Group but you must leave Please do so Quietly so that you will not disrupt the Study Group.

Our Study Groups will be conducted on the Main Topic of the Lessons Picked and Posted for the Weeks Lessons..

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