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Post # 1
information on the internet is tricky. i mean there can be a thousand and one opinions saying the same thing only to find that the information is based on popular opinion and not practical experience. I have read that Blood magick amps the energy in your spells and rituals. I am a beginner but i need something that can be like training wheels and i feel blood magick can do that. There are no books out there on it except for books on necromacy.
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Re: yeah
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
I don't use "Blood Magic", but this is what I've read about it:
"Blood Magic" is actually the use of blood in a ritual or spell. Blood symbolizes life force to its practitioners, and they believe in blood making.their spell/ritual more powerful.
It's like having a bowl, and filling it with your own blood, and using it as a focal point for the spell/ritual.

Blessed be
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Re: yeah
Post # 3
i want to use it to find long lost family
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Re: yeah
By: / Novice
Post # 4
i can relate, Dragon Magick is really hard to find information on, and i always have to triple check i haven't stumbled across a D&D website.

from what i know of blood magic, you add a few drops to spells to enhance it's strength. i've never cast, so i don't know much else about it. how are you planning to use it to find family?
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