My element?

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My element?
Post # 1
Can someone help me find my element because I see people on this sight writing stuff about there element and I want to find out what mine is can anyone help me
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Re: My element?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

The idea that one as AN Element is fictional...straight from the movie The Craft. We don't have an Element. As magic users we must learn to work with all of the Elements in balance. Some may be easier for you to work with than others. But that doesn't mean the easy Element is YOUR Element. It just means you'll have to work a bit harder to work with the other Elements.

It is true that the signs of the Zodiac have Elements associated with them. But that's the thing..the Elements are associated with the signs of the Zodiac...not with you. In fact if you actually look at a complete astrological chart of when you were born you'll find that you are associated with many different Elements when you start taking into consideration things like "ascendent", "rising", etc.

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Re: My element?
Post # 3
Oh I didn't know that thank you for the information
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