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Hello All!
Post # 1
I'm new to this site and I'm glad to have found it. I've found south useful information on here!

I have a question though. A friend of mine is having a hard time with her husbands ex girl friend. She won't seem to leave them alone. It it okay for me to to a mirror, return to sender spell for her or is that against the rules? I'm just learning but I feel so bad for her and would like to help her. Any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated!
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Re: Hello All!
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Return to sender doesn't make sense if nothing was sent in the first place. Its clear you are a beginner (not meant as put down). Without knowing what to do, and wanting to help can be frustrating. Reading the beginner forums will help you.

Forums/ General Info/ Basics Expanded and Starting Out

As for your friend, asking permission is in order. You might consider freezing. Writing her name on paper, then put it into ice cube section with water. Put it in the freezer while thinking of her slowing down her feelings and actions towards him, and as it freezes, completely stopping her. When it is frozen, you should see results.
Hope this helps. Blessed Be...
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