Spell not working

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Spell not working
Post # 1
Well I need a spell to make me feel better and I want to make people belive that i am a super hero and I need it to make me have powers that i want to fly or do something like walk on water I tried the all power spell and it didn't work
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Re: Spell not working
By: / Novice
Post # 2

Wow... uhm.. *facepalm* You really can't do any of that, ya know?

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Re: Spell not working
Post # 3
This is fantasy.Is not real.
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Re: Spell not working
Post # 4
What your asking for is not very rational. This is fantasy, no spell can change you into a hero, a god, nymph, ect.

Your human, you were born that way, you will stay that way, and you'll live that way.

No just No, this is not accomplished. You can't do fantasy, its unreal.
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Re: Spell not working
Post # 5
I take it you're a Newbie that has no idea what real magick even is. Magick is limited, even to the "most powerful" spell caster, as magick is a force of nature that cannot go against itself and the fundamental laws of physics. People on this realm cannot fly, nor can you walk on water... It seems to me that you have a low self-image and self-esteem, but both of those can change if you learn to develop confidence in yourself, then you don't need to have those impossible feats. A true hero is a person that is there to help other people, to be kind to others and stand up for their values and what they truly believe in. They strive to make the world a better place for everyone to live happily.

Most of the power spells are fake and based on a lot of fantasy. Learn how to meditate, then focus on what you wish to improve about yourself that is actually practical and obtainable on this realm. Start setting personal goals for yourself and strive to do your best in all things you try. Be a leader to those around you, guiding them to the right path. You will soon find your light.

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Re: Spell not working
Post # 6
Oh my a power spell didn't work and now you don't have super powers but it didn't work.
I take it your new to magic and that you must know that you can't get powers although what I consider a real working power spell is a spell where you can suck the spiritual energy out of people but of course they will regain it and probably find out about magic and cast a curse spell on you which is highly unlikely they will get it perfect.
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Re: Spell not working
Post # 7
No, Magic... what you said barely makes sense...
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Re: Spell not working
Post # 8
My question is why do you need all this power in the first place! You have a remarkable piece of machinery that runs 24/7 365 days a year! Really misses a beat! Really breaks down or stalls! Runs on gas you can get for next to nothing! And we want more more more! Just something to think about!
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