
Forums ► Welcome ► Samhain
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Post # 1
As many of you know the Wonderful Celtic new year also known as Samhain is just around the cornor. Im new to wicca and i wnat to know

how do i celebrate this wonderful new year?

i was planning to go into a graveyard with 5 friends like 5 white candles and give offerings of food and tyr to communicate with the dead

is this good?

what else should i do

keep in mind in 13 and i cnat get ahold of many things
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Re: Samhain
Post # 2
I think that sounds wonderful. Samhain is a time for communication with the dead as well as honoring them. You could maybe do something for a relative, friend, or pet that has passed on too. :)
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Re: Samhain
Post # 3
how would i communicate with them>
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Re: Samhain
Post # 4
THe food sounds like a good idea. I was going to celebrate in a cemetary but all of them are locked past dark. Samhain is on October 30th so I have a while to plan.
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Re: Samhain
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
actually thats oct. 31 and its a nice time to honor your ancestors
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