new coven coming soon!

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new coven coming soon!
Post # 1
new coven called Goths!
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Re: new coven coming soon!
Post # 2
What is it about? And don't tell me Goths, because I will flip.
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Re: new coven coming soon!
Post # 3
You cant assure that this coven is coming. It will probaly be rejected. Most covens have been rejected when people are starting to make them.How much expirience do you have!? Dont put up this stufff it is spamming the fourm.
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Re: new coven coming soon!
Post # 4

MysticMage is right. I appled a coven yet I haven't found anything that it is accepted. It is a requirement that you have shown knowledge of the craft through posting spells or posting knowledge of it on the forums.

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