Now, now, Logan, he is probably just new. Anyways, zombies are indeed not real in magic, they are not possible. I recommend to the person who posted this to please go over the FAQ's, and research what magic can really do and can't do.
A Boker uses a powder (which has highly toxic components) and gives it to the person they wish to be a zombie.
The person then appears to be dead, as this poison lowers the heartrate where it can't be detected, pupils dilate and are not reactive to light, they are paralyzed unable to move or speak.
The family buries their loved one.
Then the Boker exhumes them as the poison wears off.
The victim appears mindless, disoriented, has trouble with simple functions, and appears mindless.
Ta-Da you have a Zombie.
Being the victim was raised from the dead by the Boker, he's willing to do as he's asked.
In my option it's all about belief. The family fears and/or respects the Bokor and Voodoo, so it's more or less mind control.
However, a Bokor claims he controls the entire situation using spirits.
But none the less, the Hollywood Zombie was based on this practice. So yes, making a Zombie is possible. However, if you don't know what your doing (and sometimes even if you do, the victim will die. It's a very dangerous thing, and shouldn't be done.
If I'm not mistaken in zombie is actually spelled zombi and means "spirit of the dead" in that practice.
Youre right Zen. Voodoo have something to do with zombies, i believe there are zombies out there but they Dont eat human flesh,instead they some kind of mental sickness,
In Haiti Zombies are said to be real Zombies are said to be criminals or enemies of Bokors (Sorcerers) Bokors use a powerder made of secret ingridients and induces a state of death and are burried and are controled by Bokors by feeding them a certian "fruit" from a tree that keeps them
In that state
Yeah Zen is right. I saw a documentary on it once years ago. I think they pronounced it like zom-bye. Either way it wasn't a rotting corpse it was a living person.
There's some evidence to suggest that the powder used to make Haitian "zombies" contains scopolamine, a drug which puts a person into a highly suggestible, trance-like state. It's been known to have been used to coerce people into giving up their credit card details etc
not sure that you can make a zombie servant. but like zen said there are herbs to make a person have the appearance of zombie because the minds of the victim are blank and numb. so its probably not to mess with herbs unless you know what you are doing