Easy Beach Spell

CovenNatural Magick ► Easy Beach Spell
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Easy Beach Spell
Post # 1

What you need ...

  • A nearby beach


High Tide - Bring something towards you


Low Tide - Bring something away from you


I. Go to the edge of the shoreline where there isn't much people around and either pray or say aloud:

"O Mother Ocean, who gaveth birth to mine presence by thy love and care, please assist me as I invoke thee into mine life. I needeth guidance and nourishment with thy blessings as I promise to achieve thy needs to clean up this beach, if you help me with this endeavour"

II. Now write out one word or a symbol that describes best of what you want to manifest, while you visualize your goal and specify the details by stating it aloud or by praying. After that say:

"The blessings of the ocean is within me and upon mine words on thy sand, please aid me with this situation and I promise in return to cometh back to thy beach and to clean up like I did this present day."

III. When you are done let the waves overlap your words as they travel deep within the ocean to manifest your desires. Leave now to clean up the beach and remember to do so again when your desire has been met.

Re: Easy Beach Spell
Post # 2

I like this! I like this alot!

Re: Easy Beach Spell
Post # 3

Thanks <3

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