I've worked a few spells in the recent few weeks and have seen a notable amount of success and change in my life from them. A few money spells a luck spell and a "love ritual". In spite of my success Ive felt a tad mentally lazy over the past few days and have worn more of a tired attitude. Sleeping more often, feeling much less motivated at work and even eating more. I've come to surmise that it may have been the sheer amount of focus and will it took to carry out each spell that took its tole over the course of days. I'm fairly new to ritual magick so is this "drainage" a common thing? Its understandable and totally worth it but still. Just wondering.
Re: "Magickal drainage"? By: Lark Moderator / Adept
Post # 3 Feb 11, 2016
I suspect that your problem is that you are not properly grounding so that you can use the energy all around you and instead are using your personal energy to power your spells. While one can certainly do it that way it eventually results in feeling drained and tired. You might want to consider searching for information about "grounding and centering" to help you find alternative sources of energy rather than always using your personal energy.
Thank you Lark that is very helpful. Yes thus far I've used entirely internal energy as I didn't know you could work any other way. I will definitely look into that.
I actually found this post extremely helpful, thank you for posting as I have experienced this drainage as well but contributed it to other things and never considered it could be from casting and not being centered or grounded. Again thank you all for the response.
Lark is dead on. A big newbie mistake with spells (and energy healing) is using personal energy. You want to find ways to pull energy from around you. Visualization is great for this and so is using different ingredients that can add power to the spells. Things like gemstones, plants, colors and etc, have correspondences for a reason. They carry an energy or vibration that can aid in workings.
And a fun tip: Eating something right after a working can really help! Some authors swear by eating something sweet. Chocolate anyone? lol