
Forums ► Vodou ► Mentor?
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Post # 1
I want to expand my knowledge. I'm not really new Ive been practicing on my own for some time but I would like a mentor to teach me more.
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Re: Mentor?
By: / Novice
Post # 2

Finding a mentor will be difficult. Not many people here on site actually teach, and many who claim to don't really know what they are talking about. Even so, there are many reputable people here on site are willing to answer specific questions sent in mail, pm, chatter, or forums. There are also a lot of good articles and forums here to explore. If you are looking for a more close-knit experience, look around at some of the covens that are here. A few of them are very familial, and you may find the environment you are looking for.

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Re: Mentor?
By: / Novice
Post # 3

The most you'll find in the way of teaching on SoM is a guided reading list. Using witchvox can be a helpful tool. You can learn learn plenty just reading, public libraries often have more than a couple books on occult topics.

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