Anyone willing to help?

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Anyone willing to help?
Post # 1
I have been exploring this site and magic for 3 years now and I still don't know what I'm doing.

If anyone here is willing to help/teach please mail me with the subject 'Teacher' or something along them lines.


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Re: Anyone willing to help?
Post # 2
Most won't teach online students.
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Re: Anyone willing to help?
Post # 3

I would recomend reading books, articles, forums, and pdfs. You are your best teacher afterall! :)

Credible Authors:

  • Scott Cunningham
  • Aleister Crowley
  • Raymon Buckland
  • Dion Fortune
  • Donald Michael Kriag

Credible Site Contributors:

  • Lark
  • Personified
  • TiredofGaggs
  • AwakeTooLong
  • Weatherwax
  • Eissy
  • Nekoshema

Credible Websites:

  • Theoi
  • Witchipedia
  • CrystalLinks

This is obviously not a complete list. Just some things I have found useful and some lovely ladies and gentlemen whom have many smart things to say.

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