Borrowing from Others

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Borrowing from Others
Post # 1
Hello! I'm making this post as an open-ended question type thing. I am very interesting in learning what you all have come to incorporate into your craft, being that it's more than one cultural influence at once!

I, for example, am Luciferian; however, I am heavily influenced by Rokkatru, so I do things a bit differently when doing spellwork.

I'd love to hear whatever you have to say :)
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Re: Borrowing from Others
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2

Out of my own curiosity, I would be interested in hearing how you combine luciferianism with rokkatru.

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Re: Borrowing from Others
By: / Novice
Post # 3

I'd be interested discussing this as well.

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Re: Borrowing from Others
Post # 4
Well, for me, I see Lucifur as a real, physical entity, and the Rokkr as more like thoughforms. So each path has its own lessons and teachings, I just go to whichever I need to get the answers I want.

I'm a fan of runes, so I'll use these to communicate to both the Rokkr (and Ás on occasion) and Lucifur
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