Meditation tips??

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Meditation tips??
Post # 1
I need tips on how to meditate, My mind SPIRALS when with music, and many quizzes say I have a green aura, I really want to try and perfect it, even being younger then most people and having future vision.

Pleeaaase any tips on how to activate my auras or something? ANYTHING will help!
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Re: Meditation tips??
By: / Novice
Post # 2
well regarding your aura, i doubt quizzes are 100% accurate. plus auras fluctuate size and colour for a number of reasons.

if you want future vision there's number of options, just remember the future is always changing and you won't have a 'That's So Raven' thing where you freeze, camera zooms in and you get a shot by shot vision of a later scene. with skrying you might see images [same with deeper meditation] but how vivid depends on many things, and how accurate also depends on a number of factors [sometimes just seeing the future is enough to change it] you could also look into tarot, runes, and many other divination techniques if you wish to glimpse the future.

now about meditation, the key is not to shut your brain off, it's to relax. a simple method is to could your breathes, or repeat a mantra [om, one, peace, love, calm...] so your mind has something to focus on, but not a huge thing. a center point if it starts to wander too far you can refer back to. of course that's just one of many options out there, you could also look into walking meditation, where you take a walk and simply observe the world around you. you could look into guided mediation if you need to focus on something [or listen to soothing music. no lyrics if it's too detracting] but the key is to calm your mind from the craziness of your daily life, to relax, and breathe deeply. you might be too focused on an end goal to reap the full benefits of meditation, so perhaps start with a small 5 minute walk in the park alone [no music] and just listen to the world around you.
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