Guide to Circle Casting

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Guide to Circle Casting
Post # 1

"The power that was passed down the age, Each time between woman and man, Each century unto the other, Ere time and the ages began. When drawn is the magical circle, By sword or athame of power, Its compass between two worlds lies, In land of the shades for that hour." - Part 7 of The Witches Creed By Doreen Valiente from "Witchcraft For Tomorrow".

When your first starting out especially if you choose the more Eclectic approach your going to pick and choose what work's for you or what is calling you to work for it. Above i copy and pasted my favorite part of the Witches Creed by Doreen Valiente because it's how i learned how to circle cast, i fell in love with the text, the author and i just put Doreen in a special place in my heart because of useful information i have read of her's over the years.

Now back to circle casting and how i can break this down so you can train your cat's to do this work for you (kidding?).

Break It Down

  1. Start by being familiar with Energy Work and what it is, how it work's, infusing energies, the types, at the very least you should have a good general idea of expelling and receiving energy being the key here.
  2. Being more than adequate in Visualization is an important part to a successful circle, you must be prepared, focused, and ready for action.
  3. There are several way's to cast a circle, your circle is only as strong as your manifestation abilities , the best circle is planned beforehand so you can manifest that in your mind it builds towards how detailed the circle is.
  4. Your circle is unbreakable , you must always remember the power to do this is already inside of us, but we have to believe without a doubt nothing and i mean nothing can break you're circle.

Easy Circle Casting With Elemental Help

  • Start in the East, call to the element of the wind, feel this element inside yourself. In energy work we were taught to become a feather and float in the wind, draw in the power of the air. Bring a gold light to you and let rest in the place of East.
  • Head clockwise towards the North, this is the element of Earth, call to it deep in the earth, rich and strong the smell is, you can visualize your metaphysical reach digging into the earth as you draw fourth a green orb and place it before you to rest in North.
  • We head clockwise towards the West, this is the water element, and deep inside the oceans themselves you feel the push and pull of the waves, you find the amazon river in the deep jungle smoothing stones and now we draw those powerful forces in a single blue orb towards us to rest in the West.
  • We head clockwise to the South, the element of fire the very breathe of life exists in this element, you can see yourself being a cosmic force passing the earth, or the rapid beat of the drum's and fires of our ancestors, this is the force of life, we draw this element towards us in a red orb to be placed in the South.
  • Now face north again and close your eyes, you see all the orbs in their places? Good now infuse them, in counter clockwise motion start with East and infuse each element to the next, each time going faster until they blend in a purple or black circle around you.
  • Manifest manifest manifest! That circle around you is unbreakable, binding, and secure until you release it.
  • To release the circle, you start in the East going counter clock wise to release each power you have summoned to build the circle, we always thank, and its proper to leave an offering.

Source - Witches Creed

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