Spell idea

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Spell idea
Post # 1
Does anyone know a spell to clear the energy in a relationship?
My ex and I want to give our relationship another try, but I feel like it will not work unless we clear the history of our previous problems.
Give me some ideas
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Re: Spell idea
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
Talk it out.
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Re: Spell idea
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Spell Suggestions from Welcome.
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Re: Spell idea
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Talk to them, seek couples counselling if possible.

I would work with them to do any relationship spells. do a cleansing of yourselves and your homes [you might need to try a cord-cutting, but since it's new, perhaps you should visualize the cord being cleaned and made new instead of being destroyed] You might look into a healing spell to help heal past wounds, as well as a love spell to strengthen the love you have for each other.

Overall, if you feel you both haven't grown past the previous problems, if you seem to still struggle with these issues, or the history is still painful, you may need to take more time apart. [again, professionals can help in the healing process]
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Re: Spell idea
By: / Novice
Post # 5

Unfortunately there is no means of erasing or dismissing concerns and issues from a past relationship. You can start again with clean healthy energy between you, which would be a start, but to even reach that point you both need to address your past concerns. If you don't address what went wrong in the relationship than history is doomed to repeat itself even if you are focused on it not happening.

There are several ways to approach this. Counseling is one. This allows a non-biased individual to hear your struggles and help validate both of your feelings and give you good exercises to work on those struggles. I understand this isn't always an option for people (no insurance, insurance won't cover, limited available counselors etc..) Another option would be to set aside communication time once a week. You both sit down and discuss things that you enjoyed during the week and things that you didn't enjoy. This allows the expression of feelings with out feeling ostracized. Lastly, meditation together is very useful. This will again allow for personal time together where you both can relax and focus on getting the negative energy resolved. This is a healthy choice for anyone, even not being in a relationship you can develop negative energy from your daily/weekly interactions that should be cleansed out.

The re-occurring theme is communication. You can cast as many spells as you want, if the lines of communication are not open, then you will start to see familiar issues revive again.

Best of luck and I hope this does work in favor for both of you.


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Re: Spell idea
Post # 6
I agree that to be successful in your relationship you need to talk to your partner and fix things physically but to aid in that process you can burn herbs like sage for purification, rosemary to help the relationship, thyme for strength and courage or Juniper for balancing. Your could wear charms or herb sachets to prevent negative energy. Also any cleansing or clearing rituals would be useful, a bath infused with one of the above herb would work. I personally have a rosemary infused oil that I use to enhance the attractiveness of the wearer, that falls more under the ‘love spell’ category but I thought it was worth mentioning.
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