A spell to die down hunge

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A spell to die down hunge
Post # 1

I probably already know the answer to the question above. is there a spell to either get rid of hunger or die it down without actually eating or drinking calories? I saw one on another site that requires 6 white candles, six black candles, 6 pale brown candles, a new moon, and some kinds of herbs. Please let me know. My eldest sister passed away from the same disorder as me, and my younger cousin has it too. I looked for treatments but everything is extremly expensive and I don't qualify for the aid programs for it. Food always looks/smells repulsive and I've tried other non magic things.

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Re: A spell to die down hunge
Post # 2
Before we get into the more magickal aid, let's start with a simple exercise:-

Everyday, eat a bit of food, starting with as much of your least-hated food you can eat, and slowly work your way to 3 meals per day, and than move on to bigger meal portions. Talk to your doctor about using this exercise before doing it. He/She will be able to give you some pointers for it.

Now for the magickal methods:-

1. Go to sigil scribe and type in something like 'My hunger is gone' or 'I don't feel hungry at all' and copy the symbol onto your skin, and if possible, your stomach

2. Ask the god or goddess of food and crops for a blessing or to curb your hunger

3. Everyday, say something like "Food is not disgusting. I enjoy eating food and will eat today". This won't really kill your hunger, but instead it will motivate you to eat more. Never underestimate the power of affirmations in magick.
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Re: A spell to die down hunge
Post # 3
If you want, you can try the spell you found. The one with the candles and some kind of herb. If you know what kind of herb, than by all means go try it. But if you don't know what herb it is, chances are if you try to substitute, it could make things worse. Unless you know what kind of herb is involved in the spell, don't do it. If you do know what kind of herb it is, than do it if you want
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