Eagle and Protection?

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Eagle and Protection?
Post # 1

I was doing a wax reading and I saw a eagle head and its talons. This reading was supposed to be looking at how my protections are. I have done some research on what aneagle means and what they are known to symbolize, but I would love to get the interpretation of others on what this means. : )

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Re: Eagle and Protection?
Post # 2

Uncertain about wax readings not my area but for eagles in my region they are seen as the masters of the sky. They are believed to have the closest connection to the creator and travels between physical and spiritual word and is a messenger for the creator.

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Re: Eagle and Protection?
Post # 3

Great Chief of the sky is what the eagle stands for. He is leadership and the King of his own realm. I don't do candle waxing, but maybe the eagle is telling you to take charge of some aspects in your life. Possible cut ties with old connection or see things from a different point of view.

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Re: Eagle and Protection?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from General Info.
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Re: Eagle and Protection?
Post # 5

Your own interpretation of this reading and your own take on what Eagle means are the best interpretations. This is a divinatory reading, your gut feelings are valuable.

Personally I would consider this a good indication regards your protections.

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