Rosary Magic/Pray

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Rosary Magic/Pray
Post # 1
Do you use rosaries while praying?
Do you use rosaries to stay grounded and aware of everything around you?
Do you know any affirmations?
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Re: Rosary Magic/Pray
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Other Spells Discussion.
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Re: Rosary Magic/Pray
Post # 3

I am aCatholic Witch. Meaning I use prayer as a form of magic. Using the rosary is indeed a powerful way to do magic because it adds power to spells. If I were to do a novena, which is a nine-day prayer, mostly done with candles, you arehonoring Jesus and Mary, which are huge sources of divine power. But I do not believe the rosary holds any power to itself. Rosaries are a form ofpetition magic. Meaning you asking God for a favor. If you hold all that power to yourself the rosary will be useless.

Yes, you can use the rosary to stay grounded. I am pretty sure there are people who do just that.

The rosary prayers are not affirmations like mala beads. They are prayers that could be read from a book or recited out loud, if you remember them.

If you have any question feel free to message me. :)

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