Covan Discussion

CovenGrey Magic ► Covan Discussion
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Re: Covan Discussion
Post # 2
Where would I be able to get redding?
Why do you need to know about our health or if we are in any danger?
What if I think someone has put a spell on me? how can I protect myself? I am probably paranoid but I would rather protect myself.

Re: Covan Discussion
Post # 3
Redding Brick dust. You can locate it in older buildings and some shops carry it as well. I would like to know my covan members status and position to see if I can help if they are sick. If members are in danger I can help Place protection and more extreme things can take place if necessary. Depending on the spell you can see/feel results of the spell being casted upon you. Protection spells are a good start in protecting yourself.

~Prince Amari~

Re: Covan Discussion
Post # 4
So we all know most White and Black Magik Spells can have more affect cast on a Full Moon. Does this still stand for when doing Grey Magik?

Re: Covan Discussion
Post # 5
Moons have nothing to do with it. The phases of the moon mtters not to Grey magik.

~Prince Amari~

Re: Covan Discussion
Post # 6
I had a feeling that the moon phase did not matter. I was thinking of this last night.
Another thing, I would like a spell to cleanse my apartment, please :) Would I use sage and salt? Or a different way?
Amari if you like you can place a protection spell over me or I can do one for myself.

Re: Covan Discussion
Post # 7
How is the safest way to better my chances at getting a job?

Re: Covan Discussion
Post # 8
Where is gravitise?

Re: Covan Discussion
Post # 9
Sorrow, what exactly are you looking for?

Orange, He was caught by his parent beonmg on this site and now he is not allowed on the site anymore. So he asked me to remove him from the covan.

Re: Covan Discussion
Post # 10
I just want to find a job as soon as possible.

Re: Covan Discussion
Post # 11

Sorrow i believe carrying a piece of Kava Kava root in a pouch can bring new financial gain in the line of employment.

Hope this helps.

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