HOW do you know...?

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Re: HOW do you know...?
Post # 2
That depends on which vam you are... There 2 kinds of vampyre and you would know if you lust for blood or you lust for energy...
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Re: HOW do you know...?
Post # 3
This is a way of life so YOU WOULD KNOW!!!!!
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Re: HOW do you know...?
Post # 4
ok I understand.
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Re: HOW do you know...?
Post # 5
depends really. how old are you ? some times after a soul reincarnates itself the mind loses touch with that particullar side "only if your a psychic vampyre " because our subconscious will take over the energy drain we require and in later years we will "reawaken to it" it also depends on how many lives you may have lived. sanguines i believe are born knowing what they are. but you would by now know if you are or else you would not have asked that question
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Re: HOW do you know...?
Post # 6
your pic is too cute for you to be a vampyre...just kidding of corpse....sorry that was another lame joke.

anyway i believe that one of the covens has a whole article regarding such things...yes it is Way of the Star.

heres the link, the article is quite fascinating and really opened up my mind.

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Re: HOW do you know...?
Post # 7
hehe good one:D
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Re: HOW do you know...?
Post # 8
hay all i can say is you wiil know when you have a craving for blood i think
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Re: HOW do you know...?
Post # 9
There are two kinds of vampire. Psi's which feed on energy found in the area around them or off of people. And Sangs (sanguines) which feed off the energy found in blood. Then you have hybrids of the two like me. As crow said sangs are born knowing what they are but their need for blood energies doesnt kick in until they reach puberty. Psi's need for energy is latent at they will generally realize what they are if they experience an irresistable urge to be the centre of attention. But for the most part, Psi's wont embrace what they are roughly until maturity at age 20-25.

Also it really depends, again as crow said, how many times the vampiric soul of the person has been reincarnated. See when an awakened vampire, psi or sang, dies (yes vampires die), the soul wanders around looking for another host body. This can take weeks, years, even centuries. When it finds a suitable host, the vampiric soul will attach itself to the host. until the moment of consiousness (i.e. when the child can remember things) the soul is just a dormant entity. Then, though mature itself, it will mature again with the child until it feels the host can understand and deal with what it is. The number of times that a soul has been reborn is known at its "generation". Like me for example. I am a fourth generation hybrid of sang and psi. originaly i was bour January 18, 2752 BC in Egypt. I was Awakened in March of 2736 BC and have since been a Roman legionnaire under Julius Caeser, a sailor under Cortes, a Confederate Colonel under Lee, and now I'm a 21 year old guy from NC. So trust me you will know if your a vampire. There will be an unsattiable lust for energy when you are ready.
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Re: HOW do you know...?
Post # 10
I'm 13 so...what
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Re: HOW do you know...?
Post # 11
Well have you felt drawn to the stage or anything of the sort? have you begun craving red meat? both? any energy changes in the area surrounding you?
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