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Re: how
Post # 11
How I will die? Hmmm... I have a feeling someone will come and point an M16 at my face and pull the trigger... hehe...
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Re: how
Post # 12
i would hope that i will die in peace in the arms or eyes of my soulmate, idk if that will happen in this life, if it doesnt then ill hope that it will in my next.
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Re: how
Post # 13
we are Never alone when we die. Our loved ones are always with us helping us to the other side.

When my son died a dear close friend had a vision of it as it happened. she said my best friend Linda and my relatives were there helping him cross over. and that Linda was the "new mom" now.all night long she kept on dreaming of linda being the "new mom". She did not know intil the next morning that her vision was in fact truth.

***and for the little lady above who says it may be a M16 in the face, I pray that is not your not accept it!
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Re: how
Post # 14
I've given this some thought and I would like to die by floating down a river tummy side up and fall down a water fall and droping down on to sharp pointed rocks.
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Re: how
Post # 15
Hanson, that would be damn epic ;) what about being dressed up as a rocket when you die and then being shot into space?
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Re: how
Post # 16
Kao, how will you decide when it's time for you to go? Dieing the way you described in post7 requires you to make the decision, right?
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Re: how
Post # 17
Yip, 100% correct Verity, me and my fiance have discussed it quite in depth, we will go once we have achieved our greater calling in this life, once all of those who are significant and sacred to us and have been awoken and the earth has regained it's equilibrium we will more or less have one big farewell party, and at the end of it we say farewell and then let go and we release fully till our own soul energy burns away our flesh and we go outwards into infinity, and then we sit and wait and prepare for our friends for the day they pass on, this is my last life same as with my fiance, so we are making it count to the max, and at the end of it we start/restart our new/old life again ;)
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Re: how
Post # 18
That's probably the most romantic thing I've ever heard :)
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Re: how
Post # 19
Mostly becuase that sounds to childish. And that sounds romantic kao
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