Worst Dream,,,,

Forums ► Other Spells Discussion ► Worst Dream,,,,

Re: Worst Dream,,,,
Post # 11
Its true,,,
Long walking in dream or searching for something,can someone explain what that mean ? Thanks...
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Re: Worst Dream,,,,
Post # 12
I've also seen a black demon guy in my dream. He was summoning some black shadows and controlling them to hurt pepole, and i was the only one who could see him cus he was a ghost and im afraid of ghosts so i couldnt do anything than watching pepole die in front of me. This guy appeared in another dream too latley, but this time he was after me.
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Re: Worst Dream,,,,
Post # 13
i saw ones a dream about me killing people with dark powers than summoning demon and undeaad minions and killing every person ho got in my way
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