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Re: when?
Post # 11
for the demon war, i know you all are not sure if there'll be one or not, but i want to be prepared. good enough reason?
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Re: when?
Post # 12
there will be one. i have seen it.

nd wen it is supposed to happen is 2012. unless we start it early. but if we wait till the demons start it it'll be in 2012.
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Re: when?
Post # 13
ok know one should listen to those dates because demons do not know patience they could strike tomorrow.So all you damned profits got off your asses and train because it will happen at any time.

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Re: when?
Post # 14
i knew this would happen.. look, i asked if someone would teach me how to fight, not bicker like old women. now who is willing to show me how?
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Re: when?
Post # 15
I've heard from speacial links that mankind will fight a war, but I don't with who and when.
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Re: when?
Post # 16
i have been merlin. for 2 years. nd the reason its gonna take them so long is kus they r still preparing themselves.
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Re: when?
Post # 17
OK if it is coming up so fast why aren't we training hard???... We have a lot of young witches, warlocks, etc here that want to fight but don't know where to start training to get stronger...... So if any one of you have information on this please let the rest of us know.....

God Bless
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Re: when?
Post # 18
by time,one man will come out to stop this war..
mail me if you are curious of this..
that man now hold a portion of my power.
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Re: when?
Post # 19
Angel, we all have been training quite hard, but everyone trains their own way. Some train more with magick, others are training with weapons, everyone is training a different way basically. It all depends on the person and what they are more strong in. If you are new to magick and would like to become involved in it I would deffinately suggest practicing with focus. Meditate often, all those goodies. If you want help with anything feel free to email me, my email address is on my page.

And Merlin, like Fyre said, because we discuss this topic almost 24/7, the opposite side is not quite ready yet. A friend of mine who is being trained by Belial was told by Belial that they are resting and have countless leagues of horrifying demons and gods and fallen angels. Basically the things that go bump in the night, that are hiding under your bed, in your closet, any horrific thing you could imagine is against you.
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Re: when?
Post # 20
Thanks you very much.... curiosity quite well taken care of now, and everyone else thanks for all the answeres
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