Gaining Power?

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Re: Gaining Power?
Post # 11
Forgotten yeah I do believe I am not fit in fact I know it lol but I just believe different on that front that is all. Witchcraft to me is about no limits except what you put on yourself and that thing about being physically fit is a limit to me. I hate limits. Plus during winter months I am a hermit for the most part and during the summer is when I tend to get more fit cause I am able to do pilates in my front yard, but during the winter months my power does not seem to diminish it just stays the same.
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Re: Gaining Power?
Post # 12
I agree with that you don't have to be physically fit, I am fit but I think it's about training your mind, spirit, and believing that you can do it and making it come true. If it were about physical fitness then a lot of people wouldn't be able to do magic because a lot of the world is fat. I's about being mentally fit and able, about being able to handle what your getting into.
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Re: Gaining Power?
Post # 13
I say you worship a particular god... Like Satan? Although Satan is just a suggestion, there are many more god whom you can worship.
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Re: Gaining Power?
Post # 14
meditation is also key to this, and practice easy spells so you are not challenged when you begin
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Re: Gaining Power?
Post # 15
Well, I believe if you want more power... Then you should practice, each and everyday, and make new spells with your own MAGIC!! Thats what I believe and i am very powerful.... So yeah
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Re: Gaining Power?
Post # 16
For better power, yo need o wish, to image in yor head and think about it... The good help is Yoga or just medditation... I like to medditate in the early morning with oppend windows, it one of things which gives me a power...
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Re: Gaining Power?
Post # 17
one thing to do is meditate ya know train yourself but i do also hear like barbarious said is to pray to a certain god ya know lol doesnt have to been satan but whatever god you truly believe is there and helpfull. but remmember a god can only help you if you can help yourself
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