Controling time

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Re: Controling time
Post # 11
Nevermore: Reading your post made me think---did you perhaps just slow down the CLOCKS???? That makes sense, as actually slowing down time would be hard...but in the magical world, saying "Time" might translate to "clock", as you could have been envisioning a clock while chanting or had the thought of seeing a clock subconsciously.

Just a thought.
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Re: Controling time
Post # 12
I think that would be more accurate Aelywn.

I did infact see my energy go to clocks. A lot of clocks, but clocks nevertheless.
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Re: Controling time
Post # 13
Lin I agree with Wudang...if you have this power as u say they post a video and show it.
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Re: Controling time
Post # 14
Nevermore: That makes sense! It's far easier to make LOTS of clocks move slower or stop altogether, than it is to actually slow down time (I mean, if that is possible--since I've never seen it done and couldn't imagine the energy required to do so). I need to learn that trick. ;) Everyone always complains about how long it takes for me to get ready. :P
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Re: Controling time
Post # 15
If people say they can slow time using magic, then i challenge them to move time backwards... As you have said, anything can happen...

Yes time can be slowed if we want it to, just because it happens does not mean you can say you have used magic in it and you do not need a proof... Anyone can do that, even while imagining, everything has a twist on its own, do not claim things which are impossible to do... You are forgetting that no matter what you do you are still in reality, not all things you can conclude that It Happens Because I Used Magic In It.... Everything slows down because we aimed to be in the places we want to be ahead of time...

Know that I am not forcing my opinion with you all, just remember, Imagination is good for all but when it comes to reality, magic exist in many ways, not only to those that seem to big to be taken from a picture.....
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Re: Controling time
Post # 16
Hay_Lin could you teach me how to do this?? please, it would really be cool to try, does it take long?
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Re: Controling time
Post # 17
Who has said anything can happen? Certianly not I, infact I frequently say the opposite.

I have been through, what can best be described as a time or place vortex where time its self has been reversed by minutes, and in ones where time and location have completely changed. Oddly enough I have met people who can give me similar stories about the same locations without prompting. Though it does not happen on every visit to one of these spots, it does seem to happen frequently with a variety of people.

I will say, however, that I belive this to be a supernatural occurance not created by a person but rather something that has always been or currently can't be explained.

As far as my experience with time control, I would have to agree with Aelywn and say I simply slowed clocks as opposed to time its self. It's actually far more logical and reasonable...and far less "fluffy". Though given my expereinces in my state ( it being the state with more paranormal activty than any other in the union ) it's wasn't a very large jump to make.
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Re: Controling time
Post # 18
I am always running out of time. Can someone please e-mail me or reply to this post and tell me how to control time or a good spell that works?
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Re: Controling time
Post # 19
enjoy the anyeurism :D.
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Re: Controling time
By: / Novice
Post # 20
Zephyr and Nevermore geve pretty good explanations on how time spells can be done.
You can slow down clocks or of course accelerate them , alter Yours and other people perception of time.
There is this popular spell to accelerate time on the internet. It is supposed to accelerate the time in 24 hours , or to make tommorow come much faster. Although honestly I do not see much use of it ( I am always late I do not really need any help with it lol ) I did think about how would it work ?

So I thought it would change ones perception of time so it would feel like "day flew over" and make one unnpticable to others while so ( simple glamour so others do not wonder where have one been whole day or even look one standing in circle for 24 hours lol ) . It would however require immense ammount of energy and perhaps more than single practitioner to preform it. Would it changed time perceptin of others near one performing too?

Well as I said so fare the two methods metioneda earlier are most likely to happen :)

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