Charging for Tarot?

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Re: Charging for Tarot?
Post # 11
Well everyone I have seen doing tarot still checks their book for card definitions. I use a book sometimes for layouts unless it is a layout I do a lot or unless I am making one for my needs at the time.

Once you have been doing it for like 5-10 years or more you learn the definitions I suppose
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Re: Charging for Tarot?
Post # 12
I still use my book as well after a while of doing them though you will eventually remember the definitions.
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Re: Charging for Tarot?
Post # 13
I remember seeing a tarot deck, and it had a picture of a woman, and walking corpses around her. I thought it was Lilith lol.

Anyway the owner of the shop said that deck was only for the dark hearted... Pretty kewl...
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Re: Charging for Tarot?
Post # 14
Sounds like a sweet deck. Do you remember the name?
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Re: Charging for Tarot?
Post # 15
Nah, but I visit that shop every night for meetings, I keep trying to tell myself to check it, but I get dragged into there conversations like a magnet, haha there so kewl :)
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Re: Charging for Tarot?
Post # 16
They had different tarot decks, I remeber seeing a druidic tarot deck and a pagan tarot deck
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Re: Charging for Tarot?
Post # 17
I got the dragon tarot myself. Also had the moon garden and had a unicorn deck which I actually gave to a friend of mine though now I am wishing I hadn't. lol Just because I am now wanting to use that particular deck, but have to wait till I get money so I can buy that deck once more along with a cpl others that caught my eye. I really love getting new tarot decks and I believe a person can never have enough of them. lol
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Re: Charging for Tarot?
Post # 18
i have never done a tarot ready mostly because i do not understand it but in my other magickl works i do not charge a dime even if they are useing me. ive learned the hard way that money should never be connected with a spell unless it is a donation.
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Re: Charging for Tarot?
Post # 19
I only charge for the materials used nothing more. Cause I don't have that kind of money to be replacing such things. As for the tarot well thats a different story. It takes a lot of effort cause when I do tarot readings I am not only reading from the cards I am picking up impressions of their future.
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Re: Charging for Tarot?
Post # 20
i understand what you are saying.
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