I've known two very serious astrologers in my life. One literally travels and is a successful author, Dawn Silver. The other is a random joe lol.
I have studied astrology passingly and I can definitely tell you that the newspapers are totally stripping astrology of its art. They are worthless! "Fake" is a great word for it Brysing. Newspaper astrology to real astrology is like comparing a three year old's painting to a Monet.
The difference is this. Newspapers take the sun sign (IE: Libra, Leo, Taurus, Aries etc) and generalizes the information to suit every person, in every year of that sign. Its as good as me saying that all people with blue eyes and blonde hair will have a bad day today. It's that ridiculous!
The best astrologists will tell you what planets will be affecting us and how in that particular time period (usually 3-7 days) based off of all their calculations. It is like a science. It isn't just sun signs like the newspapers use. And it isn't all about love, career, family, etc These sort of "predictions" are mostly mental and emotional influencement. I didn't believe in it at first until my friend began sending me weekly emails. I would forget to read them until the end of the week, and then be astounded at how accurate they were about how my days during that time period. That's when I started reading them as soon as she sent them. =)
As the beginning post showed, there are many factors that astrology includes. There are actually far more than even that! There are sun signs, moon signs, quadrants, certain stars and other factors that can make the meanings so very precise. Astrologers can use your birth information down to the very minute you were born (if you know it). It's incredible, but incredibly time consuming and I don't have that sort of patience! It is definitely an art that only some are best suited for.
I have tried to look into Japanese astrology and I gave up. The books and sources I found were overwhelming. The literature was dry and I couldn't absorb anything. Perhaps the actual Japanese people Brysing spoke to made it easier to follow but I don't have the luxury of traveling to Japan any time soon! =P
why you peoples have been trying harder to involve moderators and priest to harass zaneic ?
and please keep all your debates and aggressive comments step aside and continue that via pm if you all have useless energy and time to make this move on.
WhiteRaven. I don't understand Japanese astrology either! But when I was in Japan I learnt that prominent businessmen, and even politicians, would not make any decisions without first consulting an Astrologer. Very serious indeed!
In my mind, for some reason there's a little "darkness" or mistrust in astrology readings...like someone in the background able to influence the reading...someone able to change exactly how you feal on your situation with just the descision of the "next card."
Not sure if that makes sense but I do still have astrology readings at time but always reserve a bit as a 3rd party can easily finagle the outcome of such reading.
Brysing is a very intelligent and experienced person. And really, a wonderful soul. I respect him with all my heart. I've turned to him in times of difficulty and much like a father, he has comforted me, guided me and in more ways than one, has given me the strength I need during the most difficult times of my life.
If he whacks you down, trust me, he does it for your own good.
And, If I were given half a chance to vote for moderator, editor, mentor and even best person on this website, I would vote for Brysing.
Yes, I know, he can get a bit snobby from time to time. But you can't blame him. Have you seen some of the clowns that come here? Plus, he's also British :D so the snobbery, in my books is allowed :D
zaneic is so awesome,friendly and helpful High Priest I know him for past couple of years
he is straight forward and can be little bit critical but when he talks he speaks nothing only a truth he's one of the best peoples here