book of shadows

Forums ► Other Spells Discussion ► book of shadows

Re: book of shadows
Post # 11
lol my BOS is just a cute purple notebook with a pic of winnie the pooh
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Re: book of shadows
Post # 12
so, basically anything about witchcraft can be in right??

we dont have to arrange in according right?
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Re: book of shadows
Post # 13
keep all records of what you do against differnt types of encounter you come accross and write down how you handle them...

also keep a list of spells handy on the book of shadows
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Re: book of shadows
Post # 14
when you buy a book of shadows. is there spells and rituals in it already or do u have to put them in your self
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Re: book of shadows
Post # 15
selda, you can buy a book of shadows with spells already in it, but you are basically buying someone else's book.

A book of shadows is meant to be a creation of your life in magick. Your spells, rituals, what you've learned, what works for you.

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