
CovenNatural Magick ► Meditation

Re: Meditation
Post # 11


(4 stars)

The beautiful meditation is teh first of three based on a Tibetan Buddhist meditation on Tara, the female manifestation of the Buddha .. It will help you heal from fear in its many Forms.

How can you Benefit from this Meditation?

This meditation will heal you from your Fears...This will help have Compassion for yourself.And slowly reduce Negative emotions.

What is Fear?

You may think it is something simple as Being a small child runs ahead of a busy street and gets teh sudden rush of Fear.

You should do this meditation when you are ready to get to teh root of your emotional Problems.

Before doing this meditation I Suggest you think about your fears and how they can create emotional issues.

Step One!

Sit on a cushion or a chair in meditation posture. Breathe in deeply and exhale slowly ten times focus

and concentrate your mind. Now Visualize a beautiful female Buddha seated in meditation posture in

front of you. Notice that she is very Kind, compassionate and patient. Ask her to help remove your fears that manifest themselves in the form of negative emotions.

Step two!

if, out of fear taht you will be abandoned you are controlling your loved ones.Ask tara that you be able to practice Unconditional Love. If you have a fear that manifest in Anger because you are afriad you are going to be harmed or taken Advantage of, ask Tara to help you feel more confident in your abilities to care for yourself. And be more patient and Tolerant of Others.

Step Three

If you have fear that manifest as jealously ask Tara to help you rejoice in others Happiness. If you fear causes you to be miserly and withhold yourself or your possessions from others ask Tara to help you be more generous.

last STep

Visualize Tara granting you wishes. See her as being available at all times to help you in living a more compassionate life.

Re: Meditation
Post # 12

Letting Go and Moving On

(4.5 stars)

It is hard of letting go and hopefully this will help you on doing so. This may help your self esteem. And we All can use some help on it here and there. This will help keep on having love and as well as respecting yourself and others. As we all Know Sometimes we need to move on from a relationship... And doing such can be very hard. We as Humans Thrive to have companionship. And Thus seprating can be Extremely Painful. This Meditation I am here to to help you go through the and Letting Go and Moving On.

So why Do you need to Move on?

Perhaps you were in love a long time ago. But now you may feel Anger. Pain or perhaps Disappointed. You might want to hang on and keep going through .. Why? Perhaps you are afraid of being alone.

If you believe your higher self is telling you to let go perhaps you should listen?

What we are about to do. I suggest strongly to meditate in a calm area ... As well as Adding to the fact of being away from the one you plan to leave.

Sit in your own type of meditation Posture. I personaly Like my buttocks being lifted slightly so I have a folled pillow I sit on and have my lower legs folded. As in a lot fo meditation to start off with it is suggested to meditate on your breathe for approxmietly about five mintues.

The reason of starting this way.. You need to be in a state of none or lack of emotion.

Once you are at that state visualize the person you want or attempt to leave. Tell them what made them so attractive when you first started going out or dating. What you Admire about them. Tell them at least three things that you remember that made your life so special or unique that makes you smile or tears of joy.

Then thank them.

Do not mention anything negative in this meditation. But imagine them being happy in teh future. Tell them it is hard to let go. But you must move on... For your own Good. Imagine them agreeing with you and wishing you well.

Once you get done of here. you may feel like crying allow yourself to cry do not hold back. Then Contrate on your breathe for about 5 mintues before ending this meditation.

Re: Meditation
Post # 13

Purifying fire

No one is free of negativity..... It is a basic fact we all live with. Sometime our habits causes more negativity on us though.These habits can be of you smoking or you spend to much money or you have a habit of letting your anger blow up on others. Perhap you drive to fast. Their are a lot of reasons you may find that you have a negative habit. You can do this meditation if you are trying or still doing your bad habit. This meditation uses visualizing to help overcome your negative habits.

If you know you have a bad habit that effects you mental, emotional, physically or even spiritual health.... This meditation will help you start anew.

What can come out of this meditation-
Helps you identify how you are harming yourself.
Encourages you to let go of shame and guilt
Also helps supports yourself into taking better care of yourself.

Healing is not just for a phsyical illness. This will help with you if you are struggling with negative habits.

I use a candle for this exercise.. if you wish to build a fire make sure it is in a safety area. Write down your negative habits you have had in the past or present. Then write down what uou feeling about that makes you feel shameful. Or your own regrets.

Have your fire ready and make sure it is safe and will not catch anything on fire. Sit on your meditation cushion if you have one.
Read your list. Review all the things youw ritten down. Some list can take a few pages or simple be one small line.

Visualize your higher power in any form you like. Express your regret for indugling into these negative habits that you have done. Ask for help in your life. To do more postive and constructive ways.

Feel your higher power's love acceptance of you and you are.

Now place your list into the list and watch it slowly burn. As you see it burn visualize your negative habits leaving you.

Let go of the shame by mentally giving it to the fire to be purified.

And commit yourself to living a more postive life.

Re: Meditation
By: / Beginner
Post # 14

I plan on using the spiritual descision making meditation and i will tell how it goes chakra.

Re: Meditation
Post # 15

Hope it is helpful.

Re: Meditation
Post # 16

Primoridial Meditation: The Way, Truth, And Life

This practice is called primordial meditation because it unveils and reveals our bornless being and innate goodness, which is the very essence of enlightenment. In Kabbalah, the highest name of God is Eheieh , which means I Am or I Shall Be, and alludes to pure or primordial being.

In many Christian Gnostic practices, the breath becomes the vehicle of the light-presence and the direct expression of the power of our supernal soul. Thus, primordial meditation using the breath as our focus may facilitate the enlightenment experience as well as activate the powers of the soul of light in us, resulting in psychic and spiritual gifts.

  • When you meditate using this method, breathe naturally, with even inhalations and exhalations. Focus your awareness very gently on the outbreath, and when you exhale, let your awareness flow out with the breath. Every time you breathe in, let go and let be, and imagine that at the end of the outbreath your breath dissolves into the infinite spaciousness of truth. At the end of every exhalation, before the next inhalation, you will find there is a gaplet go and enter into the gap. In the gap is the place of pure and primordial being, which is called perfect repose.

  • Whatever thoughts or emotions might arise, neither grasp at them nor push them away. Just let them be, and let them naturally arise and pass away, without engaging them or entertaining any judgment toward them. If you find that you have become distracted or identified with thoughts and emotions, or find yourself daydreaming, merely restore your focus to your breath and continue. If your mind enters into the gap and the natural state dawns, let go of the practice and just calmly abide.

  • Instead of watching the breath as though you are separate from your breath, progressively allow yourself to identify with your breath. Breathe and let the breath and the one who is breathing gradually merge in a natural way without unnecessary force. Focus lightly upon the breath. Place about one-fourth of your awareness on breath and leave the other three-fourths free, resting in a quiet and spacious state of relaxed awareness.

With this practice you will find that as the presence of awareness grows you will experience a growing stillness of both the mind and the vital-emotional being. It is as though one is shedding the serpents skin and putting on a body of clear or transparent light.

From Gnostic Healing , by Tau Malachi

Re: Meditation
Post # 17

Healing Practice with the Five Breaths and the Elements

The Root Breath
The root breath may be used to help conditions related to a fitful, speedy, dreamy, floating, or weak mind, or for individuals who may lack common sense, discipline, or clear and conscious direction.

Coupled with working with the root breath, we may also seek out the earth element, drawing upon its stable grounding energy for healing. Suggested practices include: touching the earth and stones with the hands and feet, consciously drawing its energy into the aura and subtle body; or sitting or lying on the earth, charging the aura and subtle body with the earths strong force, feeling grounded and stabilized in consciousness.

One useful meditation is to sit or lay on the earth, imagining that all unhealthy energies in your body that cause anxiety, worry, insecurity, apathy, laziness, and inertia are being drawn out by the power of earth. Become one with the earths immeasurable strength, and let gratitude and thanksgiving arise for the healing energy of the earth, and for the tolerance and bounty of the earth that sustains life.

The Navel Breath
The navel breath may be used to help conditions related to inconsistency or difficulty in bringing plans to fruition; likewise for rigidity or lack of fluidity, excitability, or lack of rest or peace of mind.

In addition to working with the navel breath, we may seek out and abide with a body of water, enjoying a creek or river, a pond, lake, or the ocean. Draw in the waters consistency, harmony, and its synthesizing quality, along with its fluidity and its calming qualities. Other ways to meditate upon water: Drink water, fully tasting and appreciating the water, deeply thankful for this life-sustaining element. Bathe or shower, feeling the soothing quality of water; as it cleanses you outwardly, visualize that all inner negativity is washed out of your subtle body and aura. Stand in the rain, and allow it to purify you. Enact a water ceremony (baptism) with friends. Alternatively, sit by a lake or stream and meditate, resting your mind upon the waters and allowing any negativity to flow away from you. If you cannot go to a body of water, then visualize one.

The Solar Plexus Breath
The solar plexus breath may be used for conditions related to a lack of zeal and will, lack of inspiration, drive, or motivation in life, lack of courage or conviction, or the inability to achieve our goals or intentions.

Along with utilizing the solar plexus breath, we may sit by a fire, whether indoors or outdoors, drawing in the strength of its motion, warmth, and light. We may also go out and bask in sunlight, drawing strength from the suns great power. A powerful meditation is to focus your mind on the forceful, powerful qualities of fire and its consuming and radiant nature, drawing in its strength. Then envision fire within your subtle body and an aura of flames surrounding you, as it burns away and protects from all negativity, transforming shades and shadows into light. Alternatively, see the spiritual sun in the sanctuary of your heart and a golden aura surrounding you, your subtle body filled with the divine light as you abide in the remembrance of the indwelling Christ.

The Heart Breath
The heart breath may be used for conditions related to confusion, flightiness, general imbalances with breathing, difficulties concentrating, and qualities that suggest a lack of mental clarityalso slowness, dullness, heaviness of mind, laziness, and lack of insight.

Coupled with working with the heart breath, we may draw healing energy from the pervasive, flowing, and buoyant quality of the air. If the breeze or the wind is blowing, we may gain strength from it, or if it is still, abide in its calmness. An air meditation: standing in a breeze or in the wind, imagine it purifying your aura and subtle body, blowing away all negativity and charging you with its power. Speak prayers or chant into the wind, letting the wind carry them over the land and set your spirit free upon its wings. Then envision your subtle body as crystal-clear and hollow, filled with the all-pervading and light quality of the air, and be uplifted by the airs power.

The Jar Breath
The jar breath may be used for conditions related to constriction, confinement, lack of clarity or perception, density in mind and body, feelings of being blocked or obstructed, or extreme tension or stress. It may also be used for difficulties in memory or the retention of energy in the subtle body and aura (the root breath and the earth element may also help with memory and sealing of energy in the subtle body).

As you work with the jar breath, become aware of the openness and spaciousness around you, and the infinite possibilities of life generated by the unfolding of spirit-space and arising of the elements; let all negativity dissolve into space. A jar breath meditation: rest your mind on the space of your environment, or find a place with a view and relax your mind in the openness and vastness of space or the sky. Release all worries, stresses, and negativity into space, and set your mind free in the spacious luminosity of your inmost nature. Alternatively, envision yourself in a body of translucent light, imagining that you disappear like a rainbow in the sky.

The above provides a beginning for the use of the five breaths and power of the elements within our healing work. With time and experience we will learn much more about the breaths and the elements and their use in healing. Experiential knowledge and understanding will be far more empowering than anything that might be written or told to us. Essentially, we must begin to work with the breaths and elements in our healing practices to really learn about them. As in all forms of practice, we must be creative and seek to live within and be guided from within.

In closing, we may say this: in addition to working with the five radiant holy breaths, remember your breath and the healing power in it. Be conscious of your breath and remember to breathe deep and full, with fluid rhythm, for by breathing properly you will bolster your health and sense of well-being. Consciously breathing, allowing the body to find its own natural rhythm of breath in the presence of awareness, tends to spontaneously align and harmonize the five winds in the subtle body.

May the anointed breathe in us; amen.

From Gnostic Healing , by Tau Malachi and Siobhn Houston

Re: Meditation
Post # 18


This is a relaxation exercise I first learned in a theatre class but I've done similar versions in various dance classes. It's good for relaxing your muscles, especially when you're tense, or as a meditation exercise to calm your mind down.

(This exercise was originally intended to have someone saying this out loud but you can easily do it by yourself.)

Lay down on the ground or something, flat on your back with your arms by your sides. Completely relax into a comfortable position and close your eyes.

Imagine a wave of relaxation going through your body. Inhale and exhale slowly, releasing all the tension in your body. Repeat a few times.

One by one, tense each muscle in your body as hard as you can then relax it, completely letting go of the tension. Start with your toes, feet/arch, ankles, calves, quads/hamstrings, to your abs/core, chest, fingers, forearms, etc till you get to your face.

A quicker version is to, after the wave of relaxation step, take a deep breath and when you exhale, sink your core to the ground, pushing your abs as much as you can to your spine. Repeat a few times then repeat the relaxation breathing in and out. Look through your body and find any places with tension and try to remove it.

I usually do it before dance or if I can't sleep and it's amazing how much it can relax you and let your stress go, at least for a little bit.

I'd love to know how it works for everyone! :)

(This has been posted elsewhere under a separate name.)

Re: Meditation
Post # 19

Deep Meditation Technique

By: OccultJosh
Mar 05, 2012
Hey everyone, I meditate quite a bit, I thought I'd share a strong, yet simple technique I use every night before I go to sleep, or attempt anything involving a lot of willpower/energy.

1. Go to a quiet room where you will not be disturbed for at least 15 minutes. (I tend to accidently go over 15) and make sure you're in comfortable clothing.

2. Sit in a chair, or lie on a bed with your back straight.

3. Close your eyes, start taking deep breaths, with each breath inhale/exhale more (Note that in between longer breaths, wait 3 seconds to exhale) After a minute or two, go back to normal breathing, but focus in on it.

4. Go over all parts of your body starting at your head and ask yourself, ''can i let resistance go?'' do that for all parts, make sure you don't leave any tense muscles.

5. After going over all areas of tension, start visualizing a soothing white liquid pouring over/through your body, starting at your Crown, going over your whole body. (For about 5-7 minutes)

6. Stop visualizing and simply focus on your breath for another 5 minutes.

7. Regain normal consciousness, open your eyes, and feel the clarity and calm the meditation has brought you.

Hope it helps!

Re: Meditation
Post # 20

Energy Meditation

This Meditation was created by RollingCrazy / Novice
Nov 27, 2010

Sit down in a relaxing position like on a chair or bed or on the ground then close your eyes and look into the darkness behind your eyelids.
Clear you head of all thoughts and feel the darkness around you. After a while concentrate on the energy around you and feel it being absorbed into your body and be sure that you don?t absorb any dark energy. Feel your body throbbing with energy and visualize the energy running through all parts of your body and clearing you aura of all bad or negative energies.
Do that for a while till you feel your body becoming lighter and your mind clearing up. after you do this you should fee lighter and more energized, also if you do this with specific type of energy for example suns energy helps with heating and cleansing, moon's energy helps with healing, earth's energy for stability and calmness and tree's or plant's energy for stronger roots.

I hope it helped you all. Thanks for reading.