Thursatru for Dummies

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Re: Thursatru for Dummies
Post # 11
I also want to make clear that becoming a "god" simply means you have achieved control over your life and the balance therein. again, I am not spiritual and this lines up perfectly. its the greatest self-help thought experiment that I've ever engaged in and I very much recommend it but only to those who are ready to look inward very deep and see that there is in fact a very powerful and violent monster within us all. it can be the source of your understanding that allows you to reflect on it, or if you choose, engage it or "let it out" so to speak. but I do not recommend that in modern times. You will not get far and your journey will end sooner than you wish if you do. it is harder, more respectful, and a higher achievement to learn to master controlling it than anything else.

I also couple this with Nietzsche's teachings which help illuminate the modern course of this exact consideration.
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