Is this magic

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Re: Is this magic
Post # 11
ok I'm a fire sign not an earth sign. so does that mean I can move flames and make them go out with my mind?
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Post # 12
this is Roop i wanaknow how u did that i am tryin but is there any other way ? do help waitng for ur repl y
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Re: Is this magic
Post # 13
i myself have used this kind of telekenises but i can read peoples feelings, but i am born in may, what sign am i?
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Re: Is this magic
Post # 14
I might be thinking of different signs but from what my grandmother, a stable practitioner with the ability to help sight, there are seven different divisions, earth, fire, water, wind, metal, light, and dark. There is also the unlisted star, which is born into one division and masters them all.

Earth contains many subdivisions, trees, soil, mudslide, minerals, quake, rocks and boulders.

Wind is breeze, movement, gale, and storm.

Water is sea, river, ocean, stream, erosion, movement, water, wave, and lake.

Fire is fire, warmth, heat, and explosion, fire and metal are both destruction powered.

Metal the youngest, human powered, division, mostly weapon, but also destruction, and a lot of construction.

Star goes everywhere

Light to light, sight, peace, morning, rebirth, and solitude

Dark to dark, night, blindness, chaos, death, and solitude

The connections are

Earth to wind, and wind to earth
Fire to water, and water to fire
Metal to heat, fire to metal
Destruction to weapon, fire, explosion, gale, storm, erosion, wave, quake, chaos, death, rebirth
Star goes everywhere.
Light to dark, dark to light

The powers, and personality influences

Tree- growth, life, healing
Rock- sturdy
Boulder- sturdy, strong
Soil- nurture
Mudslide- weakness, destruction
Minerals- cold, lonely, nurture
Quake- quick, destruction

Sea- temperament, generous, small movement of water
River- moving, calm, small, steady movement of water
Ocean- strong, inner chaos, temperament, large movement of water
Stream- slow paced, calm, kind, small, slow movement of water
Erosion- change, new life, movement
Movement- change
Water- all of the above
Lake- still (stability), changes with the weather, control of water (keep it still)
Wave- calm, movement, destruction, changing movement of water

Breeze- calm, humble, moving, call upon breezes w/o spells
Movement- moves things w/ wind, change, humble but powerful
Gale- destructive, arrogant and powerful, movement
Storm- Destructive, can summon storms or other typhoons w/o spell, strength of typhoon depends on emotion

Fire- energetic, kindness, fierce, moves fire, makes it grow
Warmth- heats things up to a slight degree, kind
Heat- heats things up to a large degree, concentrate energy into one body part, fierce, happy
Explosion- destructive, chaotic, rare, can cause extreme fire growth w/o spell

Weapon- destructive, stable, can cause harm to others w/o spell
Construction- rebirth, re growth, forward movement, good at making projects
Destruction- destructive, can literally break things with one touch, comes before constructive, usually occurs in twin births as the older

Sight- vision on two degrees, the literal and figurative
Peace- peaceful, easily solves conflict
Morning- rebirth, new light
Rebirth- renewal, the return of life, comes after death
Solitude- every one is born w/ a little solitude but we usually get over it after a years or so.

Dark- lonely, unnoticed, invisible
Night- lonely
Blindness- either doesn’t see, or sees everything on one level
Chaos- never-ending, self destructive, when born w/ this affiliation, you have destructive versions of the birth power
Death- comes before rebirth, destructive, necessary
Solitude- every one is born w/ a little solitude but we usually get over it after a year or so.

Light and Dark are more of affiliations then divisions, ex. Wood w/ light affiliation = wood properties + light property depending on which subdivision you have an affiliation with.

I am working towards star, myself, and I was born with morning affiliation, breeze, I have almost mastered water, and I am done with fire except for explosion, finished wind, got construction from metal but not finished w/ metal, and I suck with earth…

P.S. if you ask about planet, then go to earth or water
Moon to water wind and movement
Asteroid to earth, mostly mineral
Sun to star

P.P.S. if you wanna learn about how to master the other sub divisions and get to star, then make a new thread and I will try to respond to it.
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Re: Is this magic
Post # 15
Im born on october can you please tell me
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Re: Is this magic
Post # 16
How do you know what sign you are? Just from the month your born?
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Re: Is this magic
Post # 17
Well... Astrologically I am a Water Sign... Does that mean I am a water element?...

I was born in February...
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Re: Is this magic
Post # 18
i am a fire sign ... i cant light stuff on fire with my mind! HA! i love saying tht!
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Re: Is this magic
Post # 19
my element is water. does this mean i can control water or couse tsunami's?
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Re: Is this magic
Post # 20
water yes, but u are a beginner so u cant control a tsunami
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