Pregnant and single

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Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 11
Thank u dyllan for atleast having the maturity to be sympathetic and objective and not flooding me with rudeness. i know u cant solve everything with magick, but i believe magick can aid me in solving this obstacle in my life
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Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 12
If it helps, me and some of my friends could try to find a spell that will at least make him be there for you if you need help.
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Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 13
i'd have to agree with xeno and niteshade. not everything can be solved with magick, no matter how much you want it to.

if he wants you to abort the baby, he obviously doesn't care about you or your unborn child enough. i am sorry that he doesn't return feelings for you (i know how much that hurts) :(

i hope you do the right thing.

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Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 14
i'd try to help but i cna't handel mroe "adult cases right now.
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Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 15
I am truly sorry that you are not hearing what you want to hear. But the others are giving you sound advice. I know. I have been where you are. If it is revenge that you want, then live well and be happy. That is the worst revenge you can have on him.

I know that it is hard and you are hurting so terribly. You probably feel that the pain will never go away. Believe me, it will. And one day, you may even look back and think that this was the best thing that he could have done for you. I cannot tell you the number of nights that I cried, wantng him to come back, and a couple of times he did. But that only made it worse. Trust me.

If you must use magick at this time, use it to find someone that will love you and your unborn child. And give your baby a hug from me.

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Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 16
I am not into black magick, but I was once in your shoes. The man you need is not necessiarily the one you want. I did a spell asking for the Goddess to send me what I needed. Got a good man who was a true father to my child. Biology does not a father make. a spell will not make a good father for your child. It's either in the man to be a good father or it isn't. a controling spell will only give you the parody of a good father, not the real thing.
obcession isn't a good thing for a child to experience.
Ask for what you need and you may find out thats really what you want. I did.
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Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 17
So again...dont ask quesitons like didnt get the answer your looking with it...again...your obviously not advanced enough in magick to do a spell to alter someones free will or you could write one be quite honest i feel bad for you....i know how much it would hurt my fiance if i were to ever leave(however i dont know why she cares)...i am an expectant father also and your ex obviously doesnt want to be in the same accept it...get child support from cant solve everything with magick...and like it says in previous posts...if he did come back just because you want him to...what would stop him from getting violent...his subconscience obviously wouldnt like that the type of mother you want to need to realize just as i have...its not about you anymore...its about the baby growing inside you(i realized it from my girls perspective..XD)...its about what it wants...not what you with it
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Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 18
No matter what your motives, if the guy doesn't want to be there you shouldn't force him to. "I want him to be obsessed with me" doesn't really sound like you just want him to be a commited father. If he doesn't want to be there, again, make him pay child support. If you didn't want a junkie, you shouldn't have done "things" with one. You can't blame just him and force him to come back to you with a spell. If you didn't want opinions or advice on the situation, you shouldn't have posted in such detail. That's the way I see it.
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Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 19
hey i replied to ur situation but accidently started a new thread so take a sec and read it love to see ur response.
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Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 20
This reminds me of that other question where the person wants help to destroy a friendship because she isn’t in the spot-light, I, surprisingly, can understand you. You have a jerk ex, best to just leave it at that, time will heal your loss. You’re fighting a finished battle. I won’t say there isn’t hope, but it doesn’t seem that way. I would classify this as petty, but that’s my opinion, do as you will. Do what’s best for the child.
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