djinns and watchers

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Re: djinns and watchers
Post # 11
I personally have bought about 10 spirit-bound objects from eBay, and all of them have been legitimate. It is very possible to find real spirits bound to objects on eBay, especially if you know the authentic conjurers. I can see shadows, light, hear them, and feel their energy.

To those who would wonder why people would sell such powerful pieces in the first place, there are many reasons. They may be conjurers as a profession, so they summoned them with the intent to pass them on to others. If they are able to conjure such powerful spirits, they probably have kept the most powerful ones they conjured and are selling the ones they feel are not meant for them or ones that are weaker.

As to watchers, they are beings that are similar to fallen angels and have many different stories concerning their origins. They are very powerful and can command legions of spirits to help their master. At a mere word, they are able to banish negativity, curses, and evil. Although some say the watchers themselves are malignant, this is generally not true. In legend, they have bred with humans to produce giant-like offspring called Nephilim.
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