
Forums ► Comments ► Fluffs
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Re: Fluffs
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11
With many years in Showbusiness, and knowing a lot of "Good As You" people, I know that when they are called names like "Fluffy" the reaction is immediate!
"You're Fluffy!"
"Of course I am,darling! Aren't we all?"
It is not so long ago that a homosexual was a criminal! So all sorts of names were used from Pouf to the Cockney rhyme "Cream Puff".
Believe me, to a G.A.Y. man or woman it's like water off a duck's back! They have been called worse names than Fluffy!
To add a little humour into this thread:-
I once knew a fairy. Her name was Nuff.
Fairy Nuff!

Re: Fluffs
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 12

This topic has been covered over and over again on this board and truly serves no useful purpose. It also generally degrades into name calling and hurt feelings. I am going to lock this thread at this point. If one likes this site then fine, remain a member. If you don't like it here then no one will prevent you from leaving to find an on-line site that suits you better.

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