March Crafts

CovenNatural Magick ► March Crafts
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Re: March Crafts
Post # 11
Ive been sewing a vest

Re: March Crafts
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 12

So far on my candle progress: I've been reading a lot about how candles are made before I go out and get too many materials so that I know what I'm doing and the general process. I've got a small bag of wax, some candle wicks with metal bottoms, a few small glass jars and a few essential oils. I plan to buy some different oils to work with, and a box of crayons (as I read you can chop a portion of the crayon into the wax to add pastel colors). Here's hoping it goes well when I try it!

Re: March Crafts
Post # 13
Alright one of my cosplays is completely done! the other one is still at 50%

Re: March Crafts
Post # 14
I'm making a secret garden in a forest behind my house. Somewhere where I can go to relax or picnic with my cats. :)

Re: March Crafts
By: / Beginner
Post # 15
I'm going to do some watercolor paintings and post some photos when they're done (:

Re: March Crafts
Post # 16
I'm starting on my own hand painted tarot cards, will be posting pictures on my profile if you want to check it out.

I really want some cards that are unique to me and that I have got a good, strong connection to.

Does anyone have an oppinion on if tools made are better than those brought?

Re: March Crafts
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 17

On the whole making your own tools vs buying them debate: I don't think it necessarily matters. I think that making your own tools is a good thing, when you can do it. I think it makes it more personal - but that it doesn't make it any "better", "more effective" etc when it comes to whatever you might use them for. Not everyone has access to the materials, nor the ability to craft, so buying tools seems perfectly fine in my opinion.

Re: March Crafts
Post # 18
I have a simmilar oppinion, to begin reading tarot cards it was better for me to buy a rider Waite deck but now feeling like I know the cards im more willing to make my own

Re: March Crafts
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 19

Since March is kind of wrapping up:

I made a few different lotions this month. I've started to kind of collect essential oils, so in the upcoming months I will be looking for more ways to use them. I mix the oils in specific amounts with coconut oil (I like using it as a base because it feels best on my skin) and let them sit for awhile in the fridge. I made a few this month to help with my headaches and they seem to be working: I put a dab on the back of my neck when I feel some pressure and sit quietly for a bit.

Re: March Crafts
By: / Novice
Post # 20
I'll admit that I haven't done much, but I started planting some flowers, herbs, and vegetables, so we'll see how that goes.

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