Shaman stone

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Re: Shaman stone
Post # 11
like i said before. it is an really really great place to go to to get your stuff for magick.
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Re: Shaman stone
Post # 12
You need to cleanse your stone no matter what,there are many ways,then you program it with your intent or wishes.Some of the info you received is lacking
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Re: Shaman stone
Post # 13
I am not sure what you consider a Shaman stone..but in my research and study of crystals a Shamans stone is an "iolite" and it brings enlightenment when you meditate in each hand brings you to a journey of inner vision of should be in your medicine bag asnd assists in bringing accurate visions in knowledge when you are assisting in healing someone. Now you stated you wanted a stone for luck in love & attraction..that can be a totally different crystal or crystals..such as..Rose Quartz or red do a little research and have fun learning about the wonderful and marvelous crystals we have available to us thru places like Azure Green..
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