What is magical?

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Re: What is magical?
Post # 11
Right or wrong, is from perspective.
Coto_king, was.. a bit over with the cussing, even though it was 1 letter censored with an asterisk, kids know what it means..
There is nothing we can prove.
Just like can you prove to yourself, that all these posts are not part of your imagination? Or if the Sun is real, maybe NASA made up our history texts and the Sun is really just a device used to manipulate our minds.
I don't know how to tell you this, but if you don't find proof, give up, you probably never will.
Oh, if you can make a psi ball, that's the basics to magick.
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Re: What is magical?
By: / Novice
Post # 12
It would seem to me (and this is only the opinion of one.) that the only thing important about magick is what is true to you. You are obviously a bright person so let your common sense tell you. Don't let mis clarifications cloud what is real to you. The simple fact is that you are what you are. And what is just is. Magick to you may be different from the magick practiced by everyone else in the world or it may be the same as that practiced by countless others. But unique or typical, what makes it magick is the truth you perceive.
You needn't worry about sorting the fodder as it always sorts itself. Focus on what you'd like to learn, what you'd like to accomplish.
We may all always be curious, and skeptical about how that poor little boy has not only contracted vampirism, but boasts being a demon as well...but it's not important. It's not important that these people are here, only that we are able to filter the voices that we here...especially when it's as easy as scrolling down, or clicking the back button.
You're confusion very well may come from the over analytical part of you. The one searching for logic. I'm not sure that any religious practice or belief is based on logic...and I'm almost positive life itself isn't even based on logic. Logic said man would never reach the moon...maybe this logic is why some people believe the first landing was filmed somewhere in Hollywood. If it were logical to cast fire balls or lightening bolts, surely someone would dismiss them as gaseous disturbances and static electricity.
Put your logic aside. Ask your heart about it. Ask your mind. Ask your surroundings. They will be honest. And please don't forget the difference between feasible and possible. ; )

If I haven't helped, I apologize for the wasted time.

-i will never pretend to be more than I am, but I will intend to be more than when I started.
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Re: What is magical?
Post # 13
You know that's the first SOLID piece of text I've read on this WHOLE site. Some of it I don't agree with like listen to the heart and it won't lie. But thats my opinion. Period. Things like that very well could of worked out very well for you I'm sure. It's quite possible. But one thing I'd thought I debate over is when you said to basically ignore people who claim to be demons and angels ect ect because they don't do harm. This is where I'd have to disagree with you. While no it's no brick whipped into your face... I find with all the lies and boast to try and proove your self to others in which ever way you want to or it turns out to. It does do great harm. Lies and exagerations and bending truths to fit what you see simply distract us from reality. No one can find out real questions in life because to many people are claiming lies as truth and forcing us to disproove them before we can go on to other things. And really the person saying it over 90% of the time KNOWS it's fake by the shear fact that they made it up and nothing like that even happend.. or it did happen and failed. All it does is waste peoples time and effort they could of put into a more contructive practice. I guess in some sense we are both right. And even proove each other's point right by even stating ours. I'll explain. You say we shouldn't really bother and not have to worry. But the fact is. We dont really have to worry or bother simply because they are other people out there to argue and disproove for us. On the other hand people that go around disprooving everything. Are usually so up tight they can't even enjoy a simple joke or watch a movie where the do something impossible to make it funny with out over anilizing everything on how fake it is. I think what I'm trying to say is. We should go correct the mistaken. And go after the bold face liars. And everything else that doesn't really claim to be right without the claim it's self also trying to be part of the joke just be what it's for. A good laugh. As for the censorship and patroling done on this site. It should stop looking for trouble makers. And look at what they are making trouble about. They make trouble for people usually for a reason. And if the person was just speaking nonsense and jibberish or what simply lies so out thier no one would EVER believe them with out like video tape proof They would simply ignore them and carry on. If some one on the street was point at you saying you're king of the molemen and should be destroyed... are you REALLY going go to the cops claiming this guys trying to get an angry mob after you? NO! doing so by thinking what he's gonna do will actually WORK is probably MORE insane then him calling you king of the molemen in the first place...
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Re: What is magical?
Post # 14
Also with the censor ship with the *'s. What about abreviations like wtf and stfu? They seem to be one of the few things you can write with out getting banned as long as you didn't spam it as funny as that is.
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Re: What is magical?
Post # 15
stfu is a bit of an.. attack in some contexts. You either say it because whatever someone said you don't like, or its true and you want them to stop it. It makes the person who typed it or said it, stupid, that they think they have authority over others.
That's the facts, because otherwise, why would you want them to shut up?
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Re: What is magical?
Post # 16
I think that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and such, but what really annoys me is that the people that don't believe, insult/bag those who do. It's really getting on my nerves because they want to see proof. Some people just have no sence.
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Re: What is magical?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 17
As a moderator I find it to be a hard job sticking to a guideline about deleting swears when a swear is defined as profane or obscene language. WTF, STFU, and LMFAO all contain the same "swear" word, so do we delete them? I say no, because they are not profane or obscene, just change the "f" in your head to stand for freak.

As for what magic is real and what is not. In my personal opinion magic is manipulation of energy. What energies can you manipulate, well that depends on what kind of practicioner you are. I do not believe in half beings you either are a magical creature or you are not. It's not like ethnicity were you can be half irish and half chinese. Also if you happen to be a magical creature you probably will not be telling people you are because most people will think you are mentaly ill and it is not something you want in the open. Only in resent years have witches stepped out of the darkness and many still fear they can not (yes, a witch is a magical creature). As for fire balls and lightning being shot out of your butt, I mean hands, really it is a bunch of bull. I believe energy can come out of your hands (you can not see energy you witness the results), that is true just research projective and receptive hands in magic. You can not cast a spell correctly with out understanding this concept. Talking to spirits is possable, they are listening to us all the time and some of us have learned how to hear what they are saying. Now what spells are real and which ones are not, that is a hard one to give guidelines for. I would say any spell that is to transform you into another creature physicaly is farce. Other than that I would have to read the spell to give you my thoughts on it.
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Re: What is magical?
By: / Novice
Post # 18
I didn't say that those people don't do harm. Someone out there is actually buying what they're selling and that in itself is harmful. What I am saying is that YOU are smart. If you weren't you would have bought it too and this whole thread wouldn't be happening. We decide by tried methods what we believe, so in a sense we are all making our own truths.
I also would tell you that if you aren't able to believe your heart, you've got a lot of work to do. I think you could if you wouldn't blame your heart for being previously misled by outside influence. And also that if physical proof to feed logic are what you're looking for, you may have stumbled, not only onto the wrong site, but into the wrong practice.
If you believe in prayer and/or meditation I would suggest it to you now. Sometimes the best answers come from not questioning anything. ; )
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Re: What is magical?
Post # 19
well the truth is what do you believe molgore. all you can really do is stick to what your knowledge is and leave it there. i have not met people that thinks hard enough on one site that, as people have said, the little kids that come here are taking away the true belief in magic. its unbelievable that what your saying is true but i've left that in my head ever since i got in here and still not sure in what i believe and what i don't. there is something amiss in this site and you i think have almost found it. i know that you probably don't like me but thats ok. but this was my 2 cents you can have it.
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Re: What is magical?
Post # 20
that takes me to a point i was watching tv the other night and the show was about this....... what you guys are talking about people that are half and half.... some with tats and some with other things that i wont go into it will take to long, and ill tell you this they were not little kids. They were grown men, know I'll ask this, I believe very much in my magic.... why is it so wrong for them to think that way? Maybe they are half wolf or half dragon, can you see into your soul? Do you know what any of your past lifes are? We are talking about magic here Im not saying its right or wrong but I am saying that everyone dose have there own right at least the last time I checked we all did..... How ever the gov. is take that away pretty quick.so as I see it we all have are own right to think how we want... as for the lang I dont like what they do but there is nothing little old me can do lol :)
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