Who's spells work? Poll.

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Re: Who
Post # 11
Most things you change in magic, with the glaringly obvious exceptions (elemental spells, weather spells, psionics... etc.) are changes that occur within, or on, YOU, as the caster. Think about it: When you PERCIEVE a slowing in time, It means you have sped up your thoughts and actions, while allowing the rest of the universe to continue on it's steady course. When you practice healing spells, you affect changes in yourself that resonate in the person you are mending. When you practice Telepathy, you are opening a channel from your mind to another person's, or making your mind more receptive to their thoughts, and making your thoughts hit a resonance with theirs enough to implant thoughts/impressions/words into their thought matrix, usually without them knowing.

Anyway, Just some food for thought.
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Re: Who
Post # 12
Very deep and also True,thank you
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Re: Who
Post # 13
The questions that you are asking violate the four laws of occultism;
1- To Know
2- To Will
3- To Dare
4- To Keep Silent
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Re: Who
Post # 14
Faustus, I saw in another post that one should keep quiet for only 24 hrs????
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Re: Who
Post # 15
As far as those 4 Rules go... Here are a few things you might spout off to yourself next time you want to criticize someone asking an intelligent question.

1)How will s/he KNOW if they don't ask?

2) I think the question itself is a strong enough show of will their willingness to learn.

3) Daring? Since when does anyone have to DARE anything? We dare to practice on the penalty of what? living a normal life? we're not facing the burning days anymore, ya know.

4) Our practices are meant to be kept from outside people, not each other. Otherwise, occultism would have died with it's inventor.
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Re: Who
Post # 16
I am happy to say that all my spells have worked for me.

It really does not matter how long one has been practicing, it depends on the intent and focus one puts into their work.
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Re: Who
Post # 17
I have only done a few spells and some energy working. It has all worked for me. If something didn't work try to focus harder and be clear about what you want. Gathering enough energy is a good thing too.
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Re: Who
Post # 18
I convince myself that spells I have cast that has a subtle output actually worked but when I try to do something more out-right like, say, bend a flame, that little ball of heat proves to be extremely stubborn. I also struggle with lack of convidence. How the hell does one overcome that?
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Re: Who
Post # 19
why did some people tellme that this spells dont wor can yo tell me if this spells work
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Re: ...
Post # 20
so i dont need powers to do what i want? but.. i still need better focus. if i cant concentrate how can i meditate? oo maybe i need some self transformation spell!
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